Hello Gandhi Stamps Collectors,
We all know that during British India rule around the world, some India stamps were used abroad. Used abroad stamp means that stamp is used from other countries then it is issued. Not sure all that used abroad was genuine and really used as postage from other countries as it's easy to forged rubber stamp as we had seen it from Tibet, Nepal, Maldives etc covers with fake rubber stamp on the cover and made it used abroad.
Recently I saw 1948 Gandhi stamp from India with 1.5 annas value was used from Arizona, USA on 2nd October 2012 on Mahatma Gandhi Birthday which is known as Gandhi Jayanti in India and International day of Non-Violence all around the world when United Nations declared in 2007.
Technically this is valid aerogramme because it has 43 cents postage on it. I think it's 1 cent less than the regular postage requirement of 44 cents in 2012. I think it might be overlooked by postal administration of Arizona or it may not be actually travelled through regular mail stream as it don't have barcode in front, but some times because of smaller size it can be missed.
It's legal to use other countries stamp if there is a valid postage on the envelope.
Ofcourse it looks unique and varities in your collection, but it's not appreciating all the work and looks like no interest in stamp it only sold for $10 for 2 covers.!! Also needs to research more in bidding details.!!
But all other used in Tibet and Nepal or any other countries are nothing but BOGUS and forgery as it was nothing but to make money out of it by making it DIFFERENT.!!
In past we saw following FORGED cancellation from India.

It looks like FAKE or Forged is a way to go in Indian Philately especially in British India, Indian Princely states and 1948 Gandhi Stamps as well as other Gandhi Philatelic material.!!
Following blog post will explain you that indeed that Indian Stamps and Philately (British India and 1948 Gandhi Stamps) needs to be examined before you even think about buying it.
Beware of First Aerial Mail.
King Edward stamp and Gandhi Stamps.!!
Gandhi Stamps and Independence of India. (shameless act !!)
A Hobby in Decline.!!
So after looking above forgery in Indian cancellation what do you think about following India USED abroad stamps on covers or stationary.
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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