Hello Gandhi Philatelist,
We all know how Gandhi philatelic material is GLORIFIED.!! even though it's not rare stamps or old stamps.
Now look at the following register cover, which is very hard to read cancellation. It's very hard to read date and place on the rubber stamp.
This cover was sold for $2025.!!
Not sure why this much price, but buyer did not paid.!!! and it was for sale again and sold for $1525.!!
To me this is a common practice in Gandhi Philatelic material as well as other British India philatelic material as well as other high priced items.!!
Don't you think Gandhi stamps and philatelic material is GLORIFIED.!! (to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration than the actual condition)
Glorification is done either by
1) Shill Bidding and increasing price and make others think it's really valuable.!!
2) Not paying to seller after bidding very high so again you think about valuable.
3) Second Chance offer, you will be happy that you got it!!.
4) Forgery material are sold as if Genuine.
5) Bogus (Never exist) material are glorified by exhibiting it.
6) False propaganda or hype or speculation about Gandhi stamps.
Shill Bidding : This is where a seller will place an item up for auction. If they are not happy with the current bid, through another account (a family member, friend or a second account) will place a bid on their own item with the intent to artificially increase its price or desirability This will raise the price or will insure the item doesnt sell for less they want. It's illegal and chances of going to jail or fine is very high if caught.!!
Not Paying to Seller : This is where buyer don't pay to seller by increasing price. This is because of either shill bidding or some collectors just want to raise price so they can increase their value.
Second Chance offer : Seller will give second chance to 2nd bidder (Loser) after winner don't pay, because winner is a shill bid.!!
Forgery material : It's very easy to make a forgery material, just by printing register label, making circular rubber stamp of post office (or stealing or bribing) and applying to old cover after removing stamps from it so you have a receiving cancellation also or that might be forged too.!!
Bogus : Never exist philatelic material such as specimen stamps or special cancellation. Then it's glorified by some friends will exhibit in their handbook or magazine or blog or stamp exhibition.
False Propaganda : Just write good things in philatelic blogs - website - stamp exhibition - handbook - yearbook - newsletter - stampforum - stampboards or talk good in philatelic seminar or newspaper article about certain stamps and it's return on investment in couple of years.!!
Now you decide what happen in following 1948 Gandhi cover ?
Is it really worth $2025?
Not sure why someone wants to pay this money for just regular cover with improper cancellation stamps.!! (Chances of forgery is very high on this kind of covers).
Do you think Shill Bidding happen?
Do you think it's a forgery material?
In past we had seen were eBay buyer "hitlerandgandhi" bought $25000 worth of Gandhi stamps in month and did not paid to sellers or any of the other methods.
It was nothing but glorification of Gandhi stamps.!!

Click following link to understand "Gandhi Stamps are false hope of riches"
Following is screenshot were same cover was sold for $1525.
Not sure whether it has been paid or not.!!
I hope it is paid because eBay will loose lot of money by not getting commission as well as they have to pay for infrastructure facilities such as server, network, application etc used by during this transaction.!!!
Disclosure : I have eBay stock (so I am part owner so I will also get hurt if it is not paid.!!).
Gandhi Stamps Club.
You all know that I am fan of saving screen shot of Gandhi Philatelic item sold on Ebay (more than 1500 so far in my collection!!).
Let's see how Gandhi 1948 India 10 Rs. stamp is sold 2 years ago. This screen shot helps me lot in collecting Gandhi Philately so I thought let me share with all of you. In order to understand this you need to read my 10-15 blog posts so you will know what I am talking about.
One auction is from USA and other is from UK. It's a global network.!! Not sure were income tax, sales tax, VAT tax etc are paid.!!
========================First Auction=================
Auction ends:- Feb 19 2009.
Seller:- bpp14Buyer:- 3***n (898) ("manali283")
Price Sold :- 116.50 US $
Other bidders:- o***o(335) and k***_(826)

Now let's see how 2nd auction Gandhi 1948 India 10 Rs. stamp is sold :-
==================== Auction 2nd =======================
Auction ends:- Jan 20 2009.
Seller:- theobargain
Buyer:- kad_ss(826)
Price Sold :- 107 US $ (77 GBP)
Other bidders:- UK listing so cannot see. But there were total 4 bidders.
Buyer:- kad_ss(826)
Price Sold :- 107 US $ (77 GBP)
Other bidders:- UK listing so cannot see. But there were total 4 bidders.

If you don't understand what I am trying to explain here then please let me know. Only thing here is to see who is SELLER and BUYER.!!
Look at the following screenshot and you decide what is happening.
Want to know more about Philatelic FAKE and FORGERY then click following link and read about it and you will find some common bidders.
Also would you like to see more of this screen shot about pricing and buyer and seller?
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