Hello Gandhi Philatelist,
I get lot of email about stamp investment in Indian stamps, so I decide let me write a blog post about it.
To me it looks like there is a very steep decline in stamp collection worldwide. I read lot of article that India and China stamp collection is growing because of robust economy since last 10+ years and lot of Indian are working in foreign countries who are investing in stamps and getting more than 30% ROI etc.
But it looks it's all false propaganda by various stamp dealers, experienced philatelist, various website and philatelic magazine.
After reading my blog post you need to decide whether it makes sense to INVEST in stamps? Forget about India or Chinese stamps.!!
There are high chances that you will get FORGERY instead of genuine stamp because only forgery are available in Gandhi Indian stamps as well as in British India King George, King Edward and Queen Victoria stamps which were widely used in different countries during British rule.
You all had seen 1948 India 10 Rupees Gandhi SERVICE forgery stamps as well as cancellation in my previous blog posts.
Following is classic forgery example of Queen Victoria overprint "Jai Hind" stamp happened in 1914.!!!
The Royal Philatelic Society London issued expertizing certificate for this FORGED item in 1914 almost 100 years ago!!!
Did you notice that 5 member signed this certificate for forgery. If you see recent certificate of genuine stamps it has only one member signing it.!! THINK what are the chances of getting xxxxxxx ??
So forgery in Indian philately is nothing new, but quantity increases and quality also increase so it's very difficult to find whether it's genuine or forged.
It's not only stamps but also cancellation are FORGED too.!!
Following is example of Penang Straits Settlement cancellation.!!

One of the latest forged stamp of India BIRDS of PREY.

There are high chances that you will get forgery instead of genuine stamp because only forgery are available in Chinese & Indian stamps as well as in British India stamps as well as any rare and old stamps from Switzerland which were widely used in different countries during British rule.
Following screenshot has all FORGED stamps and very high chances you will get this forged as genuine or used on covers or postcards at very high price.!!!
1) 1968 Chairman Mao and Lin Biao stamps
2) China 1915 stamps
3)1850 Switzerland stamps
4) 1852 stamps
Read my following blog post to understand about stamp collection in DECLINE.!!
1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.
If you see stamps are not even selling or selling like 5-10 times lower their value than mentioned in catalog.!!
There is nothing RARE or Scare in philately because this hobby is in downward trend because experienced collectors are loosing interest because value is not appreciating and new collectors are not coming in to this because there are lot of other things to do for them such as playing video games on Nintendo or X-box , social networking on facebook or google+ or surfing on web through internet or SMS through iphone or android or watch games such as cricket, football or basketball.!!
So what do you think NOW?
Should you Invest in Indian and Chinese stamps?
Gandhi Stamps Club
I get lot of email about stamp investment in Indian stamps, so I decide let me write a blog post about it.
To me it looks like there is a very steep decline in stamp collection worldwide. I read lot of article that India and China stamp collection is growing because of robust economy since last 10+ years and lot of Indian are working in foreign countries who are investing in stamps and getting more than 30% ROI etc.
But it looks it's all false propaganda by various stamp dealers, experienced philatelist, various website and philatelic magazine.
After reading my blog post you need to decide whether it makes sense to INVEST in stamps? Forget about India or Chinese stamps.!!
There are high chances that you will get FORGERY instead of genuine stamp because only forgery are available in Gandhi Indian stamps as well as in British India King George, King Edward and Queen Victoria stamps which were widely used in different countries during British rule.
You all had seen 1948 India 10 Rupees Gandhi SERVICE forgery stamps as well as cancellation in my previous blog posts.
Following is classic forgery example of Queen Victoria overprint "Jai Hind" stamp happened in 1914.!!!
The Royal Philatelic Society London issued expertizing certificate for this FORGED item in 1914 almost 100 years ago!!!
Did you notice that 5 member signed this certificate for forgery. If you see recent certificate of genuine stamps it has only one member signing it.!! THINK what are the chances of getting xxxxxxx ??
So forgery in Indian philately is nothing new, but quantity increases and quality also increase so it's very difficult to find whether it's genuine or forged.
It's not only stamps but also cancellation are FORGED too.!!
Following is example of Penang Straits Settlement cancellation.!!

One of the latest forged stamp of India BIRDS of PREY.

There are high chances that you will get forgery instead of genuine stamp because only forgery are available in Chinese & Indian stamps as well as in British India stamps as well as any rare and old stamps from Switzerland which were widely used in different countries during British rule.
Following screenshot has all FORGED stamps and very high chances you will get this forged as genuine or used on covers or postcards at very high price.!!!
1) 1968 Chairman Mao and Lin Biao stamps
2) China 1915 stamps
3)1850 Switzerland stamps
4) 1852 stamps
Read my following blog post to understand about stamp collection in DECLINE.!!
1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.
If you see stamps are not even selling or selling like 5-10 times lower their value than mentioned in catalog.!!
There is nothing RARE or Scare in philately because this hobby is in downward trend because experienced collectors are loosing interest because value is not appreciating and new collectors are not coming in to this because there are lot of other things to do for them such as playing video games on Nintendo or X-box , social networking on facebook or google+ or surfing on web through internet or SMS through iphone or android or watch games such as cricket, football or basketball.!!
So what do you think NOW?
Should you Invest in Indian and Chinese stamps?
Gandhi Stamps Club
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