Hello Gandhi Collectors,
What is current selling price of 10 Rupees 1948 Gandhi stamps from India.?
Looking to following screenshot it looks like 79-156 pounds.!! which were sold by "Collstamps" from UK. Following are screenshot.
Did you see the price difference in just 8 days.!!
Also did you notice that stamp with corner is selling for more than just stamp.!!! Do you think buyer are crazy.!!
Do you think 79 UK pound ($127) is a very good price for 10 Rupees corner 1948 Gandhi India stamps to buy or still highly INFLATED.!!
I think at $127 price tag it's still very highly inflated if you consider it's value in 1948 and # of stamps printed(250,000).!!
If anyone invested 10 Rupees in 1948, they will get ($127) 7200 Rupees (127 x 56) after 65 years.!! which is more than 10% return annually from 1948 to 2013!!, which does not justify ROI if you compare # of stamps collector and # of Gandhi stamps collectors.!!!
Also it's was too much money in 1948 so collector did not bought this stamp and bought other 3 for their collection. Also it was not useful stamp for register mail as it was way too much so majority of the stamps were accumulated by Non-Indian dealers and some Indian collectors and dealers.
All used 1948 India Gandhi stamps on covers and private FDC are nothing but forgery by applying forged or stolen Jai Hind cancellation trying to make you think it's real, genuine and travel to different countries in world.!!
All the price you see for 1948 Gandhi stamps from India selling in range from 200 -600 $ is all HYPED or BOGUS by shill bidding, no paying to seller, mutual withdraw with nice feedback etc.
So there will be enough stamps available in years to come.!! Not only that FACSIMILE or reprint are available in plenty.!!
Which one you will buy ? $127 or $220!!
Of course $127 as it is corner stamp.!!
I think $127 is still more.!! This is my personal opinion and it's upto you whether believe it or not.!!
It's not GOLD which everyone in whole world wants to buy it or use it.
It's piece a paper with very limited people wants to collect it and has no governmental control on it's value.
It's not a Stock or Shares of any company which are monitor by all rules and regulations of that country and if they do wrong they are in trouble.!! (Like Enron, Goldman or Madoff) and government can control them.!!
So piece of paper which is widely available should not be valued what we see in the market because it will be worthless as no one wants to collects stamps any more.!!
Generally following things needs to look before you buy 10 Rupees Gandhi stamps from India or any stamps or philatelic material which is more than $1.!!
1) You are not getting FACSIMILE or Reprint, because they are available in plenty. Not only Mint stamps but this can also be used on private fdc or register used covers or used stamps so BEWARE of it. (This is the biggest threat right now in Gandhi stamp collection.!!)
2) You are not cheated by SHILL bidding.!! or Forgery material or Forged location of item.!! (Second biggest threat and best option to Glorification or Inflated stamp price.)
3) Don't thing all the philatelic blogs, stamps boards, stamps forum,philatelic exhibition, philatelic handbooks, stamps catalog etc are giving you correct information. They don't know what they are talking about including me.!! (Panama Gandhi stamps was valued 60 cents for past 40 years but until now they changed it.!!, by some world renowned catalog company.!!. But still not selling at that price.!!).
On Feb 9th, 2013 Panama Gandhi stamp was sold for $22.!!
4) Everyone wants to GLORIFIED Gandhi stamps so stamp value goes up, excluding me(otherwise I will not write others or will praise instead of writing fact) as I am not praising Gandhi stamps or it's value, but bringing awareness among new collectors as well as other experienced collectors who are not in to Glorification business but just a collectors.
5) Don't try to buy it in private dealing as chances of forgery are more than ever. Also don't interact privately with collectors or dealers as they might give you wrong advice.!! Use your own brain.!!
6) This 10 Rupees stamps are available in plenty so there is not that much premium as you see when it is sold. (All catalog value are BOGUS, because they don't know the real market.!! They just look the price it sold and make assumption that this is the value.!!)
7) To be on safe side think it as a BOGUS material from begin with, so you will be safe.
8) If you don't have 10 Rupees Gandhi stamp than it's not a big DEAL for your collection or there are other investments where lot of people wants to buy and invest in it such as Gold, Stock, House etc.
Last one :- It's simple, just AVOID it, so nothing to worry about. (Any way hobby is DECLINING!!)
According to me $127 (76 UK pounds) is also too much for this 10 Rupees 1948 Gandhi stamps from India.
In past 3-4 months I saw this 10 Rupees 1948 Gandhi stamps from India selling for $97 and $113, which is is also questionable transaction. Click following link to read my blog post.
![]() |
http://gandhistampsclub.blogspot.com/2012/09/india-stamps_17.html |
So BEWARE what you are collecting and why are you collecting.!!
Read my following blog post to understand about stamp collection in DECLINE.!!
1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.
If you see stamps are not even selling or selling like 5-10 times lower their value than mentioned in catalog.!!
Even official 1948 Gandhi Memorial Folder from Post & Telegraph department of India with all 4 Gandhi stamps are selling for $137.!! (To me it looks that seller is Genuine as there are multiple copies of folder and also you can enlarge it to see in detail).

You will see blank folder selling for $150.!!! which was sold for 10 paise (1/10 rupee) or 7 US cents in 1948.!!
It's nothing but waiting to swallow your money.!!
There is nothing RARE or Scare in philately because this hobby is in downward trend because experienced collectors are loosing interest because value is not appreciating and new collectors are not coming in to this because there are lot of other things to do for them such as playing video games on Nintendo or X-box , social networking on facebook or google+ or surfing on web through internet or SMS through iphone or android or watch games such as cricket, football or basketball.!!
Only way philately can sustain is to stop cheating in this hobby. Yes CHEATING.!! which is what you will see in order to increase value artificially by inflating the price by SHILL bidding, not paying to seller or mutual understanding cancelling transaction and lot more.
1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
9) Gandhi SERVICE overprint stamp price fell from $1009 to $1.!!
10) How can you tell that Gandhi SERVICE stamp is FAKE or Forgery ?
I hope all the above will help while making decision in investing stamps and to avoid getting CHEATED.!!
Now don't you think it does NOT make sense STAMP INVESTING!! or even Collecting.!!!
It's a GAME.!!
So let's see how to play Philatelic Game.!! (click to read how to, rules and regulations.!!)
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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