Hello Gandhi stamp collectors,
I am just comparing Gandhi overprint stamps with Overprint stamps of China.
We all know that Gandhi OVERPRINT stamps are nothing but philatelic fantasy or cinderella stamps just specially overprint to make money (lot more money) and fool collectors.
But now I am also seeing lot of overprint stamps of China.!! Not only that but it has also overprinted with India money Annas, which were also used on Gandhi stamps.!!
There are other also overprint stamp which are also Forgery (but selling as Replica FAKE).
Looks like Forgery is every where in philatelic.!!
I read that India and China stamp market is booming. Collectors are making tons of money on their investment.
I read some China stamp collectors made 4 times money in just 4-5 years.!!!
To me it looks like it's a false propaganda to glorify Chinese stamps.!! I had seen this in Gandhi stamps and I am seeing lot of similarities in China stamps.
We have seen lot of FORGERY in Gandhi overprint stamps and other British India overprint stamps with SERVICE, Specimen or ERRORS. Following are some of them.

Following is example of Cameroun 1968 Gandhi Overprint stamp with 1969 Apollo Moon Landing.!! Biggest overprint stamp Cheating.!!!
Don't you think this is IMPOSSIBLE.!! How some country can overprint on previous year stamp.!!!
All following Overprint stamps of China is Forged. Think what are chances of getting this stamps instead of Genuine stamp which barely exist.!!
I don't know what following Overprint stamps of China are or what even overprint means because it's all Chinese language. except Annas.!!
So beware what are you collecting. As per me all China stamps are RE-PRINTED to provide the need of collectors and some to glorify it by increasing price so new collectors or investor will think China stamps are appreciating and let's invest in it.
But China stamp collection is worthless as GENUINE stamps are very rarely available because of communist country and think why people need stamps in China as everyone was living same villages for centuries.!!
But it's all glorification by selling for 2000-3000$ for $11000 price for just 5 stamps where as it is available for $15.!!!
1) Mao stamps (set of 5 stamp) selling for $11000.!!
2) PRC china Mao poem stamps (set of 14) sold for $3550!!
If you read above 2 blog post you will understand that it's nothing by glorification of stamps form China, Mao stamps from China. Same stamps are selling for $10-$15.!!!
So BEWARE what you are collecting and why are you collecting.!!
Read my following blog post to understand about stamp collection in DECLINE.!!
1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.
If you see stamps are not even selling or selling like 5-10 times lower their value than mentioned in catalog.!!
There is nothing RARE or Scare in philately because this hobby is in downward trend because experienced collectors are loosing interest because value is not appreciating and new collectors are not coming in to this because there are lot of other things to do for them such as playing video games on Nintendo or X-box , social networking on facebook or google+ or surfig on web through internet or SMS through iphone or android or watch games such as cricket, football or basketball.!!
Only way philately can sustain is to stop cheating in this hobby. Yes CHEATING.!! which is what you will see in order to increase value artificially by inflating the price by SHILL bidding, not paying to seller or mutual understanding cancelling transaction and lot more.
1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
9) Gandhi SERVICE overprint stamp price fell from $1009 to $1.!!
10) How can you tell that Gandhi SERVICE stamp is FAKE or Forgery ?
I hope all the above will help while making decision in investing stamps and to avoid getting CHEATED.!!
Now don't you think it does NOT make sense STAMP INVESTING!!
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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