Hello Gandhi Philatelist,
How can you tell whether first day cover is genuine or forgery or bogus (fake).?
Recently I saw first day cover with following postmark or cancellation date stamp.
By looking to above cancellation (rubber stamp) we cannot tell or even predict that this first day cover is from which country or city or zip code or pin code.!!
If I have to think about this cancellation then I will guess that this rubber stamp is "One Size Fit All".!!
That means you can apply this rubber stamp ("Not postmark") to any cover with stamp on it and it will be first day cover.
You just have to change date and apply on any stamps from any country!! and you will make some more collective items and make 10-50 times or more money than just selling mint stamps or sometimes just bogus stamps (which never actually exist).
Don't you think so?
I am in this hobby only for 4 years so I don't consider myself as expert so you don't have to belive me, but you can think what I am writing in this blog as I am expressing my view and opinion.
Look at the following cover and think it's a genuine first day cover ?
This kind of things happen in small countries mostly African and South American Islands stamps which issue multiple theme stamps.!! In above stamp you can see it's not only for Gandhi but also for Mother Teresa, fauna, plant, flowers etc.
Following is a screenshot from eBay where above rubber stamp cover was selling as CONGO first day cover for $20-$40!!
Do you really think above is a FIRST DAY COVER.?
A First Day of Issue Cover or First Day Cover is a postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use within the country. There will usually be a first day of issue postmark, frequently a pictorial cancellation, indicating the city and date where the item was first issued, and "first day of issue" is often used to refer to this postmark. Depending on the policy of the nation issuing the stamp, official first day postmarks may sometimes be applied to covers weeks or months after the date indicated. (From : Wikipedia)
Now compare above cover with officially issued first day cover from 1967 Congo Gandhi stamp and look at the special cancellation issued for first day of issue.
It has city name "Brazzaville". Also it has a "Mahatma Gandhi (1969-1948)" inside the postmark cancellation. This makes it Genuine and also collectible item which is also known as special cancellation issued only for certain time (30 days).
Of course this can me forged too.!! It's very easy to make this kind of rubber stamp. I had seen forgery in Congo special stamp of Gandhi. But there are some minor differences because you cannot copy or forged 100%.
Congo was the 3rd country in the world to issue Gandhi stamp and first day cover.
After comparing both cancellation don't you think 2006 first day cover does not make sense.!!
Don't you think it's FAKE first day cover ?
We had seen this in Gandhi stamp collection, were everyone think they are smarter than other.!!! Don't you think this apply to other BRITISH INDIA stamp also.
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps after looking above blog posts?
Also looks like there are more money in British India stamps than Gandhi stamp because you can have lot of varieties of QV stamps or King George stamps or King Edward stamps.
It's just a RUBBER stamp.!!!
Gandhi Stamps Club
How can you tell whether first day cover is genuine or forgery or bogus (fake).?
Recently I saw first day cover with following postmark or cancellation date stamp.
By looking to above cancellation (rubber stamp) we cannot tell or even predict that this first day cover is from which country or city or zip code or pin code.!!
If I have to think about this cancellation then I will guess that this rubber stamp is "One Size Fit All".!!
That means you can apply this rubber stamp ("Not postmark") to any cover with stamp on it and it will be first day cover.
You just have to change date and apply on any stamps from any country!! and you will make some more collective items and make 10-50 times or more money than just selling mint stamps or sometimes just bogus stamps (which never actually exist).
Don't you think so?
I am in this hobby only for 4 years so I don't consider myself as expert so you don't have to belive me, but you can think what I am writing in this blog as I am expressing my view and opinion.
Look at the following cover and think it's a genuine first day cover ?
This kind of things happen in small countries mostly African and South American Islands stamps which issue multiple theme stamps.!! In above stamp you can see it's not only for Gandhi but also for Mother Teresa, fauna, plant, flowers etc.
Following is a screenshot from eBay where above rubber stamp cover was selling as CONGO first day cover for $20-$40!!
Do you really think above is a FIRST DAY COVER.?
A First Day of Issue Cover or First Day Cover is a postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use within the country. There will usually be a first day of issue postmark, frequently a pictorial cancellation, indicating the city and date where the item was first issued, and "first day of issue" is often used to refer to this postmark. Depending on the policy of the nation issuing the stamp, official first day postmarks may sometimes be applied to covers weeks or months after the date indicated. (From : Wikipedia)
Now compare above cover with officially issued first day cover from 1967 Congo Gandhi stamp and look at the special cancellation issued for first day of issue.
It has city name "Brazzaville". Also it has a "Mahatma Gandhi (1969-1948)" inside the postmark cancellation. This makes it Genuine and also collectible item which is also known as special cancellation issued only for certain time (30 days).
Of course this can me forged too.!! It's very easy to make this kind of rubber stamp. I had seen forgery in Congo special stamp of Gandhi. But there are some minor differences because you cannot copy or forged 100%.
Congo was the 3rd country in the world to issue Gandhi stamp and first day cover.

After comparing both cancellation don't you think 2006 first day cover does not make sense.!!
Don't you think it's FAKE first day cover ?
We had seen this in Gandhi stamp collection, were everyone think they are smarter than other.!!! Don't you think this apply to other BRITISH INDIA stamp also.
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps after looking above blog posts?
Also looks like there are more money in British India stamps than Gandhi stamp because you can have lot of varieties of QV stamps or King George stamps or King Edward stamps.
It's just a RUBBER stamp.!!!
Gandhi Stamps Club
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