There are lot of ways to make money on internet, but none of them will make you richer faster than by cheating in stamp collection.
You can make money on internet by doing tutoring or by writing blog or by selling photographs but stamp collection CHEATING will make you lot of money in very short time.!!
This don't require lot of effort to build your reputation for doing tutoring or writing blog or selling photographs.
Only thing required is some old covers or stationary, stamps, old fountain pen ink or typewriter and forged rubber stamps and it's fast as no reputation required.!!
After making cover start selling it and do SHILL bidding so new collector things there is lot of demand because of numbers of bidder and bids and increase the value.!!
And after that start selling similar material at little lower price.!!!
As per my assumption above 3 cover will not cost me more than $10 and I can make $285 (minus eBay and PayPal commission).!!
Only thing you have to cheat.!!, but good thing about this cheating is that you will not go to jail as no one care or no one complain to police, but more than that no one knows it's real or forged
This register cover with King George Inauguration stamps with postmark from Delhi is 90+ year old., but if you see still looks good with all proper cancellation as if they are special.!!
Just buy typewriter, some old stamps and make some rubber stamp and you can start make money.!!!
As per my assumption above 3 cover will not cost me more than $10 and I can make $285 (minus eBay and PayPal commission).!!
My blog post about King George Postal History
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
Looks like lot of similarities between Gandhi stamps and Air Flight covers, First Flight covers, First Air Mail cover and First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Above are all bogus RUBBER stamps (which never exist) or forgery which will help future collectors whether they really want to start collecting stamps and philately.!!
Following are FORGED rubber stamps we call it as postmark of Germany and you decide what are the chance of this kind of rubber stamps on your thematic collection.
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Try it out and you will become super rich.!!!
Gandhi stamps club.
You can make money on internet by doing tutoring or by writing blog or by selling photographs but stamp collection CHEATING will make you lot of money in very short time.!!
This don't require lot of effort to build your reputation for doing tutoring or writing blog or selling photographs.
Only thing required is some old covers or stationary, stamps, old fountain pen ink or typewriter and forged rubber stamps and it's fast as no reputation required.!!
After making cover start selling it and do SHILL bidding so new collector things there is lot of demand because of numbers of bidder and bids and increase the value.!!
And after that start selling similar material at little lower price.!!!
If you see selling price $285 of this 3 register cover sold as India KGV Inauguration New Delhi than you might be thinking it's lot of money.!!!
As per my assumption above 3 cover will not cost me more than $10 and I can make $285 (minus eBay and PayPal commission).!!
Only thing you have to cheat.!!, but good thing about this cheating is that you will not go to jail as no one care or no one complain to police, but more than that no one knows it's real or forged
This register cover with King George Inauguration stamps with postmark from Delhi is 90+ year old., but if you see still looks good with all proper cancellation as if they are special.!!
Recently I saw on eBay seller "phil-centre" selling India King George stamps used on register cover from Chandni Chowk, New Delhi postmark.
If you see selling price $285 of this 3 register cover sold as India KGV Inauguration New Delhi than you might be thinking it's lot of money.!!!
So instead of working why don't we start doing something like making forged rubber stamp and apply on cover after affixing King George stamps and become rich.!!
We had seen lot of forgery rubber stamp from all around the world whether it's India or China or Nepal or Germany and after comparing with this I think it's very easy to make money on internet.!!
Just buy typewriter, some old stamps and make some rubber stamp and you can start make money.!!!
As per my assumption above 3 cover will not cost me more than $10 and I can make $285 (minus eBay and PayPal commission).!!
So what are chances of this as forgery ?
Some thing big forgery in Mauritius 1969 Gandhi Stamp register cover to India.?
Read following link and you understand about Philatelic Fake and Forgeries and compare with this King George stamps cover.!!
Yes, I am talking about stamps as well as postmark (rubber stamp) from post office.
I don't know how philatleic judges consider this kind of forged material as it will be very hard to compare with.
And if you are long time collector philatelic judges will not even think about forgery rubber stamp.!!
My blog post about King George Postal History
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
This means that all rubber stamp (postmark and cachet) applied on this First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin cover, maxicard or postcard are FAKE.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Germany FAKE Cancellation :
Mauritius FAKE zipcode :
Early Usage cover :
First Aerial Mail :
Following are FORGED rubber stamps we call it as postmark of Germany and you decide what are the chance of this kind of rubber stamps on your thematic collection.
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
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Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Try it out and you will become super rich.!!!
Gandhi stamps club.
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