Hello Philatelist,
This blog post has nothing to do with Gandhi Philately, but it will give you idea when you compare other Indian Philatelic item selling on ebay with Gandhi Philately and figured out what's going in overall Philatelic World specially in 1948 India Gandhi Stamps.
Recently while researching about Gandhi Philately I saw postcard with "First Aerial Post" special cancellation issued in 1911 during U.P. Exhibition in Allahabad, so I was more curious about it as in past I saw too many FAKE/Forgery cancellation in Gandhi Philatelic material.
As per SELLER above is FORGED "First Aerial Post" special cancellation someone applied on some old postcard which are available on eBay or stamp shows from dealer at very low price and then affix stamp (of course stamp issued before 1910!!).
It's very easy to make rubber stamp. Just to go rubberstamps.net and upload jpeg image of this cancellation and your special cancellation is ready.!! Following is example of how to create your own postmark cancel on rubberstamps.net website. (click following image to enlarge it.)
Don't you think it's very easy to make rubber stamp and cancel it on any postcard or envelope and you can get a old used cover.!!!
Lot of money is made with this kind of cancellation by selling Forged/FAKE material using rubber stamps on some postcard or envelope.!! Some time used cover with Receiving Cancel Date Stamp - CDS is alter with this kind of cancellation to make more authentic.!!
Following are screenshot of recently this forgery/fake cancellation was sold for $612 even though seller mentioned it's FORGERY.!! But guess what buyer did not paid for this.!! (This is similiar to Gandhi Philately world.!! where bidder bid very high and don't pay and in this way a glorification of thematic collection is happening.!!)
As per seller "drpokiri" (who also sells expensive Gandhi Philately material) the rubber stamp appear to be reddish instead of pink. ( Thank God he mentioned this as Forgery otherwise he can also mention that this is uniqure/rare error cancellation instead of forgery.!!).
To me maker of this forgery cancellation on some old postcard did not get perfect ink first time.!! and after that he might got it right INK which might be selling on ebay.!!!!!!!!!!
This forgery card from eBay seller "drpokiri" was sold 3 times.!! to "banti.6969" for $612, "bcsomani" for #370 and "coolblue" for $202
Lot of money is made with this kind of cancellation by selling Forged/FAKE material using rubber stamps on some postcard or envelope.!! Some time used cover with Receiving Cancel Date Stamp - CDS is alter with this kind of cancellation to make more authentic.!!
Following are screenshot of recently this forgery/fake cancellation was sold for $612 even though seller mentioned it's FORGERY.!! But guess what buyer did not paid for this.!! (This is similiar to Gandhi Philately world.!! where bidder bid very high and don't pay and in this way a glorification of thematic collection is happening.!!)
As per seller "drpokiri" (who also sells expensive Gandhi Philately material) the rubber stamp appear to be reddish instead of pink. ( Thank God he mentioned this as Forgery otherwise he can also mention that this is uniqure/rare error cancellation instead of forgery.!!).
To me maker of this forgery cancellation on some old postcard did not get perfect ink first time.!! and after that he might got it right INK which might be selling on ebay.!!!!!!!!!!
This forgery card from eBay seller "drpokiri" was sold 3 times.!! to "banti.6969" for $612, "bcsomani" for #370 and "coolblue" for $202
![]() |
http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=170860970492&showauto=true |
Read Seller description about Forgery of Aerial Post Cancellation and also who is buyer.
But what surprise me is that buyer "banti.6969" is willing to bid upto $612 and did not paid.!!! even though he was aware of this "Kindly treat as FORGERY" mentioned by seller.
Don't understand why someone wants to bid on Forgery items even stamp collection in DECLINE.!! Please read my following blog post to understand this DECLINE.
1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.
1) Winnenden Massacre First Anniversary Cancellation 2009 from Germany on M.K.Gandhi Birthday.!! ( Shameless act by greedy collector, will go to any extent to make money.!!)
2) 1948 Gandhi Mourning FDC cancellation
This First Aerial Post Cancellation not completely FAKE (without German Post approval) like Germamy 2009 Gandhi International Non Violence Day but it's forgery some what like Gandhi Mourning FDC cancellation.
Now don't you think similarities between Gandhi Philately and other thematic Philately related to India.!!!
Please read following series of my blog post to understand what is going on 1948 Gandhi India stamps and compare this with your Indian thematic philately material.
1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
As you read this blog post don't you think that FAKE/FORGERY Cancellation is a way for Gandhi Philately including 1948 Gandhi Stamps from India.!! along with highly inflated price and not buying it (not paying it).
Now I am not sure whether following India 1911 First Aerial Post from Allahabad cancellation is GENUINE.!!
Also I am not sure about pricing of this material. Don't think this as reference point but think as some kind of inflated price (shill bidding).
In period of 30 days only you can see 8+ special postmark cancellation of FIRST AERIAL POST from Allahabad was sold on eBay so it's not RARE or UNIQUE. Don't you surprise that after 101+ years this shear quantity of cancellation is available on online auction for sale.
So please beware when you buy any Indian Philately material. Looks like all things which happens in Gandhi Philately is happening in all thematic philately related to India such as British India stamps, Queen Victoria stamps , Indian States stamps, First Aerial Posts stamps and ...........!!!!!!!
After looking to this value to me it looks like no one wants to collect stamps in this modern world, because there are lot of others things to do, such as play video games on ipad, xbox, gamecube or on internet surf on web or facebook or lot of other outdoor activity such a hiking, skating, running etc or watch different shows on TV or sports games such as Cricket or Football or Basketball or just talking on smartphone or chating.!!
After all this kind of things you don't get any more extra time to pursue your hobby of stamp collection were not that many people are involved and you feel like retard when you talk to friends.!!
Also there are lot of cheating such as Forgery stamps, Shill bidding, BOGUS philatelic material involved in stamps collection.
Want to know more about FAKE and FORGERY stamps then checkout other blog post click one of the following link and you will be surprised.!!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps ?
Gandhi Stamps Club
Update on 7/28/2012 :
This card was again sold for $370. Don't know why someone is willing to buy forgery material.!! They can make one by themselves and can save lot of money.!!
Following are screenshot of it.
It's also sold for 3rd time.!!! for $202.!!
Buyer is "coolblue1955" and loser is "kad_ss" (Is it a SHILL Bidding ?)
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
As you read this blog post don't you think that FAKE/FORGERY Cancellation is a way for Gandhi Philately including 1948 Gandhi Stamps from India.!! along with highly inflated price and not buying it (not paying it).
Now I am not sure whether following India 1911 First Aerial Post from Allahabad cancellation is GENUINE.!!
Also I am not sure about pricing of this material. Don't think this as reference point but think as some kind of inflated price (shill bidding).
In period of 30 days only you can see 8+ special postmark cancellation of FIRST AERIAL POST from Allahabad was sold on eBay so it's not RARE or UNIQUE. Don't you surprise that after 101+ years this shear quantity of cancellation is available on online auction for sale.
So please beware when you buy any Indian Philately material. Looks like all things which happens in Gandhi Philately is happening in all thematic philately related to India such as British India stamps, Queen Victoria stamps , Indian States stamps, First Aerial Posts stamps and ...........!!!!!!!
After looking to this value to me it looks like no one wants to collect stamps in this modern world, because there are lot of others things to do, such as play video games on ipad, xbox, gamecube or on internet surf on web or facebook or lot of other outdoor activity such a hiking, skating, running etc or watch different shows on TV or sports games such as Cricket or Football or Basketball or just talking on smartphone or chating.!!
After all this kind of things you don't get any more extra time to pursue your hobby of stamp collection were not that many people are involved and you feel like retard when you talk to friends.!!
Also there are lot of cheating such as Forgery stamps, Shill bidding, BOGUS philatelic material involved in stamps collection.
Want to know more about FAKE and FORGERY stamps then checkout other blog post click one of the following link and you will be surprised.!!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps ?
Gandhi Stamps Club
Update on 7/28/2012 :
This card was again sold for $370. Don't know why someone is willing to buy forgery material.!! They can make one by themselves and can save lot of money.!!
Following are screenshot of it.
It's also sold for 3rd time.!!! for $202.!!
Buyer is "coolblue1955" and loser is "kad_ss" (Is it a SHILL Bidding ?)
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