As in past I wrote about "How to make money on Internet". I am again writing with another example so you get it and make money on internet.
Or you can save your money and avoid getting Cheated.!!
Or you can make money and become Cheater!!
It's very easy to make money on Internet just by selling stamp collection philatelic material.!!
Make sure not by selling just Mint stamps or Used stamps but selling stamp collection material such as Used Cover, Register Cover or Forgery FDC.!!
If you just sell mint stamps there will be no buyer and if there is a buyer you will not get that much money.
In order to make money on internet you just need to do following
1) Create rubber stamp of any post office ( you will be forgery expert)
2) Affix mint stamp on cover ( you can use forgery or facsimile stamp also, no one will notice as it's used).
3) Make clear cancellation postmark(clear date, clear city etc) using forged rubber stamp after typing (invest in buying one typewriter) or writing address on it.
4) Start selling on internet.
Now in order to make money on internet do following so you can make more money by increasing price
5) Open multiple account (you don't have to pay to open account ) and start Shill bidding on it ( So you can increase price and make more money.!!)
6) Use another id and do more Shill bidding (so you can show there are lot of collectors interest) and also write FAKE feedback even transaction is not complete.!!
7) If no buyer other than you than cancel transaction by opening case of non paying buyer, so you don't have to pay eBay Commission.!! (cheat eBay shareholder also for using FAKE transaction.!!)
Then what if it don't sell or your shill bidding id wins
8) List again (you don't have to pay unless it sold and get money from seller).
9) Do same steps 5-7 again, but little lower shill bidding.!!
10) And wait for some one to buy it.!!
Then what if still not sold
11) Wait for another 5-6 months and do step 1-10 again.!!!
12) Also list as "with expertise certification" by forging stamp Expertising certification of famous philatelic society or reuse (photoshop) of some original certificate.!!
13) Send your used cover to philatelic handbook author so it will be published in their Gandhi collection yearbook or handbook, which will make it authentic material and there will be interest in buying it.
14) Exhibit your forgery collection online such as topicalphilately or japhila so new collector will try to get some idea what to buy (collect) as they think this are genuine philatelic material (because new collector don't know).!!
15) Participate in stamp exhibition and win medal with forgery material.!! Philatelic Judges don't want to confront with famous collector as they might not know whether it's genuine or fake and will trust that famous collector.
It's ART of Making Money.!! (click to read my blog post about Philately Greed).
I am not an expert to make following as forgery cover because it will be very very hard for any stamp collector expert to prove it as forgery.!!!
Because no one know what happen 65+ years ago.!!
Also rubber stamp is not hard to make so it will be easily forged!!!
So don't you think following rubber stamp can be forged easily and make money on internet.
It's starting at $50.!! Which is about 3000 Rupees in India money and which is lot of money if you compare India's per capita income is $ 1219, ranked 142nd in the world.
5% of this can be made just by selling this cover.!!!
Also chance of some one has the original rubber stamp which they might have inherited from some stamp collector parents or relatives, who might got hand on this kind of rubber stamp from post office either by working there or even with help of relative working there.!!
And their heir (son or daughter) might be using it right now.!!!
We had seen in past that some of 1969 Gandhi stamp proofs from India were for sale by auction house which should be in Indian Government archive or museum, but it was for sale and no one cares to find out why it's for sale.!!!
So again it will be very very hard for any stamp expert in the world to prove it's forgery.
So now you can make money on internet by CHEATING and be a big SCAMER and part of greatest stamp collection SCANDAL.!!
Following is one more example to make money using rubber stamps which is selling for $400.!!!
It's like 40% of average income of Indian people in 2012.!! So it make sense to create forgery philatelic material and make living instead of working very hard in difficult condition.!!
It's also work from home.!!!
It's just nothing but to make MONEY!!!
Don't you think expensive it goes more Forgery happens.!! This was for sale for only $400!!!!!!! You can find unused or mint certificate of posting receipt and after that just use rubber stamp. Now you have $400 worth of GANDHI philatelic material.!!
Following is mint certificate of posting receipt.!!!
Following screenshot is a preview of rubber stamp I tried (anyone can) to make one one using round table cancellation image (all the top of this blog). I only previewed it, not order it.!!
Now you have to decide whether this India 1948 Commerical used cover is Genuine or Forged or even FAKE.!!
Don't you think it's easy to make all this special cancellation, postmark cancellation, post office cancellation and apply to any mint or even used covers, postcards or even International Reply Coupon (Coupon Response International.).!!
Following are FORGERY or BOGUS rubber stamp example, and think what are possibilities of making money on internet.!!
Following are FORGED rubber stamps we call it as postmark of Germany and you decide what are the chance of this kind of rubber stamps on your thematic collection.
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it. Click more to read about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
Looks like lot of similarities between Gandhi stamps and Air Flight covers, First Flight covers, First Air Mail cover and First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Above are all bogus RUBBER stamps (which never exist) or forgery which will help future collectors whether they really want to start collecting stamps and philately.!!
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Don't you think it's a big Stamp Collection Scandal or Stamp Collection SCAM were some collectors/dealers are trying to make money from you.!!!
I think so.!!
Gandhi Stamps Club
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
![]() | |
Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it. Click more to read about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
This means that all rubber stamp (postmark and cachet) applied on this First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin cover, maxicard or postcard are FAKE.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Germany FAKE Cancellation :
Mauritius FAKE zipcode :
Early Usage cover :
First Aerial Mail :
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Don't you think it's a big Stamp Collection Scandal or Stamp Collection SCAM were some collectors/dealers are trying to make money from you.!!!
I think so.!!
Gandhi Stamps Club
ReplyDeleteMy compliments on your good work, educating unwary stamp collectors like me. Sine 1948 collecting ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ stamps/postal history. Have Exhibited at FIAP,FIP Level, Philavirtu2020’. Is it possible to correspond with you? Please keep-up with your good work. God Bless. Thanks and best regards, Srini Thevarayan. 18JAN2021