Recently I saw India stamp used in Tibet postal history philatelic cover sold for $781 by eBay seller "qualitycc" from Canada with 3 bidders and 28 bids ( Lot of capital gain tax for Canada Government and fees for eBay).
In 2011 similar cover was sold for $2146 by eBay seller "richwho1" from USA with 14 bidders and 24 bids. (Lot of capital Gain Tax for USA government and fees for eBay).
Click following link to know what happen in 2011. (read it carefully so you know what is happening in stamp collection.).
66% decline in stamp collection in just 5 years.!!
As I mentioned in that blog post that philatelic cover or postal history with India stamp used abroad in Tibet cover is short in postage stamp.
It only used 5 annas which is way less then required postage during that time even with registration.!!
My personal opinion is this is nothing but BOGUS (never travel from Tibet).
There are lot of dealers/collectors on ebay who are not trusted. It will be very hard to find all, but if you read my blog you will get some idea how to protect yourself !!!!!!!
Following are FORGED rubber stamps we call it as postmark of Germany and you decide what are the chance of this kind of rubber stamps on your thematic collection.
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it. Click more to read about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
Looks like lot of similarities between Gandhi stamps and Air Flight covers, First Flight covers, First Air Mail cover and First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Above are all bogus RUBBER stamps (which never exist) or forgery which will help future collectors whether they really want to start collecting stamps and philately.!!
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Don't you think it's a big Stamp Collection Scandal or Stamp Collection SCAM were some collectors/dealers are trying to make money from you.!!!
You just need do following.
1) Buy some 1854 Queen Victoria stamps
2) Find some old covers or piece of paper from stamp exhibition dealers or online auction.
3) Make forged B/172 octagonal rubber stamp
4) Now affix that 1854 QV India stamps Queen Victoria stamp on cover or piece of paper and apply B/172 rubber stamp. (lightly or little missing).
And now you are ready to make money.!!!
Of course it will be forgery, so what. Who will figured it out, and even they do nothing will happen.!!!
Following is screenshot of Straits Settlements India Used abroad - B/172 Singapore stamps selling by eBay seller "stamp_bay" for $2000 or make offer.
I don't care whether it's forgery or genuine, but my goal is to make money any how by making this kind of 160+ years old stamp philatelic material.!!
Now let's see how we can make it and sell it.
Read my other blog post about Straits Settlements stamps B/172 with India stamps used abroad for $34,500.!!
Straits Settlements stamps B/172 India stamps - Do you really think it's worth $34,500.!!?
Following are some of other RUBBER STAMP used to make money.!!!
Fake used on paper with 1948 Gandhi 1 1/2 Annas SERVICE are available in plenty with Governer Camp PO.!! (Even with SUNDAY cancellation!!)
What is Tibet 1949 register cover with 1948 Gandhi stamps without stamps from Tibet and Indian Embassy of Nepal?
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
FORGED India 1948 Gandhi stamps FDC!!
OVERPRINT stamp issue from Cameroun, Nicragua & Togo. Does not make sense at all someone printing on stamp by mistake. This is delibrate act.
Also 1979 - 1980 wrong year printing with UNICEF, Olympics, Einstein , TajMahal. It's nothing but a SCAM to make money by making false assumption of RARE!!
Why 2009 BOGUS Germany Special Cancellation (rubber stamp) on October 2nd issued to celebrate Non-Violence for high school massacrae in Winnenden? (Collector can go to any extent to make money.!! No value of life against money.!!)
(This makes all 1969 special cancellation questionable!!, because who knows what have happen in 1969.!!). Also don't know upto what stage collector goes to take benefit. !!
Following are Forgery or BOGUS special cancellation or postmark from post office, used on Gandhi stamps.
Also in past we had seen "Strait Settlements" cancellation also forged so what are chances of Muscat duplex cancellation number 23 is also FORGED.
Following is blog post which will give you idea about postal history, what is FORGED cancellation from Penang Strait Settlements on East India postage stamp.
Indian Philately Exposed : Forged Cancellation
Still confused check out my other blog posts so you get some relief in your stamp collection.
Check following multiple forged or BOGUS rubber stamp for JAI HIND special cancellation.

Also there are lot of cheating such as Forgery stamps, Shill bidding, BOGUS philatelic material involved in stamps collection.
Want to know more about FAKE and FORGERY stamps then checkout other blog post click one of the following link and you will be surprised.!!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps ?
But now you know my 15 steps to make money on internet.!! and following four blog post will make you expert in making money.!!
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Register Cover 153 |
In 2011 similar cover was sold for $2146 by eBay seller "richwho1" from USA with 14 bidders and 24 bids. (Lot of capital Gain Tax for USA government and fees for eBay).
Click following link to know what happen in 2011. (read it carefully so you know what is happening in stamp collection.).
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Register Cover 156 |
As I mentioned in that blog post that philatelic cover or postal history with India stamp used abroad in Tibet cover is short in postage stamp.
It only used 5 annas which is way less then required postage during that time even with registration.!!
My personal opinion is this is nothing but BOGUS (never travel from Tibet).
Don't you think it's easy to make this kind of postal history ?
Just create a rubber stamp and apply on any cover and claim it as philatelic cover from rare country during difficult time.!!
Who knows what happen in 65 years ago. (might be made 5-10 years ago also).
There were 3 bidders on this cover who bid till $781.!!
Do you really think
We had seen in past that some of 1969 Gandhi stamp proofs from India were for sale by auction house which should be in Indian Government archive or museum, but it was for sale and no one cares to find out why it's for sale.!!!
So again it will be very very hard for any stamp expert in the world to prove it's forgery.
So now you can make money on internet by CHEATING and be a big SCAMER and part of greatest stamp collection SCANDAL.!!
Following is one more example to make money using rubber stamps which is selling for $400.!!!
It's like 40% of average income of Indian people in 2012.!! So it make sense to create forgery philatelic material and make living instead of working very hard in difficult condition.!!
It's also work from home.!!!
It's just nothing but to make MONEY!!!
Don't you think expensive it goes more Forgery happens.!! This was for sale for only $400!!!!!!! You can find unused or mint certificate of posting receipt and after that just use rubber stamp. Now you have $400 worth of GANDHI philatelic material.!!
Following is mint certificate of posting receipt.!!!
Following screenshot is a preview of rubber stamp I tried (anyone can) to make one one using round table cancellation image (all the top of this blog). I only previewed it, not order it.!!
Now you have to decide whether this India 1948 Commerical used cover is Genuine or Forged or even FAKE.!!
Don't you think it's easy to make all this special cancellation, postmark cancellation, post office cancellation and apply to any mint or even used covers, postcards or even International Reply Coupon (Coupon Response International.).!!
Following are FORGED rubber stamps we call it as postmark of Germany and you decide what are the chance of this kind of rubber stamps on your thematic collection.
Even EXPERTIZING certificates, hand stamps and forged signatures of experts in philatelic society were also forged, so it was very hard for regular collectors like me and you to find out authenticity about the material.
Click following link to read more about BLUM case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!! There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from INDIA or China or any other countries.!!
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Now look at the following rubber stamps from Calcutta and Bombay from India and think what are chances of forgery like BLUM case.
If you don't believe it then look at the following forgery in stamp collection and think about it. Click more to read about it.
Following are some of the FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Read following blog post about Aero Philately Fakes covers.
Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers
Now let's look at other FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post aboutAero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
This means that all rubber stamp (postmark and cachet) applied on this First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin cover, maxicard or postcard are FAKE.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Germany FAKE Cancellation :
Mauritius FAKE zipcode :
Early Usage cover :
First Aerial Mail :
So what do you think about making money on Internet.!!
Don't you think it's a big Stamp Collection Scandal or Stamp Collection SCAM were some collectors/dealers are trying to make money from you.!!!
It looks very easy to make money by selling stamps than you think.
I am surprised after looking price of India used in Singapore - 1854 4a cut square + 1a pair "B/172 from Straits Settlements on piece of paper.!!
It was selling for $2000.!! Just 3 QV India stamps and B/172 rubber stamp postmark and you can fetch $2000. Not bad at all if you know how to do it.!!
1) Buy some 1854 Queen Victoria stamps
2) Find some old covers or piece of paper from stamp exhibition dealers or online auction.
3) Make forged B/172 octagonal rubber stamp
4) Now affix that 1854 QV India stamps Queen Victoria stamp on cover or piece of paper and apply B/172 rubber stamp. (lightly or little missing).
And now you are ready to make money.!!!
Of course it will be forgery, so what. Who will figured it out, and even they do nothing will happen.!!!
Following is screenshot of Straits Settlements India Used abroad - B/172 Singapore stamps selling by eBay seller "stamp_bay" for $2000 or make offer.
I don't care whether it's forgery or genuine, but my goal is to make money any how by making this kind of 160+ years old stamp philatelic material.!!
Now let's see how we can make it and sell it.
In past we had seen forgery India used in Straits Settlements bisect with B/172 post mark rubber stamp which is in Octagonal shape which is also know as Penang Octagonal.
This forgery was was on East India stamp around 1859 with bisect stamp of Queen Victoria from India which was sold for $2.!!
Read my other blog post about Straits Settlements stamps B/172 with India stamps used abroad for $34,500.!!
Straits Settlements stamps B/172 India stamps - Do you really think it's worth $34,500.!!?
Following are some of other RUBBER STAMP used to make money.!!!
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Gandhi SERVICE FAKE Stamps and Governor Cancellation |
What is Tibet 1949 register cover with 1948 Gandhi stamps without stamps from Tibet and Indian Embassy of Nepal?
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FAKE 1948 Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation and Independence day of India |
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
Forged 1948 Gandhi Nepal Indian Embassy Cancellation |
FAKE 1948 Gandhi stamps "JAI HIND" Cancellation |
FAKE Overprint Cameroun, Nicaragua stamps and FDC!! |
Why 2009 BOGUS Germany Special Cancellation (rubber stamp) on October 2nd issued to celebrate Non-Violence for high school massacrae in Winnenden? (Collector can go to any extent to make money.!! No value of life against money.!!)
(This makes all 1969 special cancellation questionable!!, because who knows what have happen in 1969.!!). Also don't know upto what stage collector goes to take benefit. !!
Following are Forgery or BOGUS special cancellation or postmark from post office, used on Gandhi stamps.
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Following is blog post which will give you idea about postal history, what is FORGED cancellation from Penang Strait Settlements on East India postage stamp.
Indian Philately Exposed : Forged Cancellation
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Check following multiple forged or BOGUS rubber stamp for JAI HIND special cancellation.
Calcutta cancellation is Forgery and Simla cancellation are both different.!!
Both SHILLONG cancellation looks different with HINDI alphabet "Jai Hind" and type & # of lines.

Compare above four cancellation from BOMBAY and check for # of lines, types of lines in center of special cancellation. (some has 7 and some has 8 and some don't make sense.!!)
Above two cancellation are from MADRAS. Only cancellation with "AUG".!! Also look at the difference between them in shapes. Also "." is missing.
Poona & Simla cancellation looks like BOGUS
Don't your think it's UGLY out there ?
Above two cancellation are from NAGPUR looks BOGUS. Look at the difference.
Kanpur & Patna cancellation with irregular alphabets and letters along with shapes
Delhi and New Delhi cancellation. Looks at the difference.
Pondicherry was ruled by French India in 1948. Compare it with MADRAS which only has "AUG" where as Pondicherry has "AUGUST" even though they are very near.!!
Does ALLAHABAD & PATNA cancellation looks like GENUINE ?
Also there are lot of cheating such as Forgery stamps, Shill bidding, BOGUS philatelic material involved in stamps collection.
Want to know more about FAKE and FORGERY stamps then checkout other blog post click one of the following link and you will be surprised.!!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Now does it make sense to collect stamps ?
But now you know my 15 steps to make money on internet.!! and following four blog post will make you expert in making money.!!
Straits Settlements stamps B/172 India stamps - Do you really think it's worth $34,500.!!?
So now what do you think about this India stamp used abroad - India stamp used in Tibet - Postal History - Stamp collection value in Decline.
Gandhi stamps Club.
Straits Settlements stamps B/172 India stamps - Do you really think it's worth $34,500.!!?
So now what do you think about this India stamp used abroad - India stamp used in Tibet - Postal History - Stamp collection value in Decline.
Gandhi stamps Club.