
Stamp value declining .!! Belgium 1999 Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Tin Tin , Charlie Chaplin, Lenin , Pope John stamp price is not appreciating.

Hello Gandhi Stamps Collectors,

On July 25th  I saw Belgium 1999 Gandhi stamp was sold in auction delcampe.net by seller "tanguera" for only 0.45 Euros (55 US cents).!!

Even 1999 miniature sheet with 20 stamps each face value of 0.42 Euros each (8.40 Euros) was sold for 6 Euros.!! in April 2012.!!

This means that seller or original buyer lost 2.40 Euros on this miniature sheet after 13 years of investment.!! 

This means that even Gandhi stamps is not for investment.!!

Also in November 2011 I wrote about this stamp sheet from Belgium, so please read and you decide.


Don't you think stamp value is not appreciating at all in this modern computer and electronic world were less and less children are intersting in this hobby and also lot of collectors are loosing interest.

Following screenshot from delcampe.net were you can see lucky buyer and looser seller id.!! 

(It's easy to see full transaction on delcampe then on eBay where eBay id is hidden!!)

This Gandhi stamp was issued in a miniature sheet in 1999 along with other world famous people such as Martin Luther King stamp, John F Kennedy stamp, Nelson Mandela stamp, Pope Johannes XXII stamp, King Boudewijn stamp, Willy Brandt stamp, Vladimir Lenin stamp, Ernesto 'CHE' Guevara stamp, Golda Meir stamp,  Jesse Owens stamps, Football stamp, Bicycling Eddy Merckx stamp, (female) singer Edith Piaf stamp, Pop and Rock music the Beatles stamps , film/movie Charley Chaplin stamp, Tourism beach and holidays stamps, Scouting stamps, Comics Tim  and Struppi von Hergé stamp, philately stamp & magnifying-glass.

Now you have to decide what you have to do with this hobby.!!

Please read following series of my blog post  to understand what is going on stamp collecting world specially in Indian Philatelic material with 1948 Gandhi stamps.

Ketankumar Patel.

BTW: Even UNOFFICAL First Day Sheet was sold for 5 Euros.!!!!!!!!! This was also in auction so it is a fair value.!!


INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV

Hello Gandhi Philatelist,

In my previous blog post I compared 1948 Gandhi Philately FAKE  cancellation (Forgery cancel) with India's 1911 First Aerial Post FAKE cancellation from Allahabad U.P.Exhibition. You can read my blog post by clicking following link.

In this blog post I am going to compare India's 1948 Gandhi SERVICE Overprint stamp on piece of paper with Governor General Cancellation with 1911 First Aerial Post cancellation on piece of paper.

Do you think following images are philatelic material or "Piece of Paper"?

Reason I think it's "Piece of Paper" because 

1) Who in the world will cut such a valuable philatelic material.!! They will keep everything intact on envelope/cover otherwise they will not get this kind of material.
2) Don't you think philatelic hobby is for intelligent people.!!(and they will not cut such material!!). Only few  philatelist will take effort or will have knowledge about event and they will make this specially for themselves or friends so chances of going to general collector are very less.
3) Even they cut it then they will make sure they will not cut part of cancellation.!! In this case they cut cancellation which make value less.!!
4) If collector don't understand value of philatelic material or just regular stamp collectors then they will cut piece of paper but it will just used stamp only not on paper. (after removing piece of paper by putting it in water.)
5) As I mentioned in my previous blog post that this cancellation (Rubber Stamp) is very easy to make and apply on any piece of paper or old unused postcard or even on used cover.!!
6) It's 101 years old!! Make sure about quality of INK, PAPER, WEATHER EFFECTS etc.!! and even after 2 world wars and fighting for Independence of India against British.
7) In my previous blog post I mentioned about FAKE Forgery cancellation is widely available with different ink so chances of Genuine cancellation can be affected.!!

Don't you agree with me for all of the above !!

After looking to all the above point I think it's a just PIECE OF PAPER not to be consider as RARE or UNIQUE philatelic material.!!

Now after comparing Gandhi SERVICE stamps and First Aerial Post don't you think similarity between two.!!

Please read following series of my blog post  to understand what is going on 1948 Gandhi India stamps and compare this with your Indian thematic philately material.

1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover :  Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed 
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II

As you read above blog posts don't you think that FAKE/FORGERY Cancellation is a way for Gandhi Philately including 1948 Gandhi Stamps from India.!! along with highly inflated price and not buying it (not paying it).

Even after 101+ years you will find lot of 1911 FIRST AERIAL POST cancellation from Allahabad. So it's not RARE.!!!

After looking above screenshot does it makes sense about quantity available in today's market.? But my guess is your guess.!!

So please beware when you buy any Indian Philately material. Looks like all things which happens in Gandhi Philately is happening in all thematic philately related to India such as British India stamps, Queen Victoria stamps , Indian States stamps, First Aerial Posts stamps and ...........!!!!!!!

Ketankumar Patel.

BTW: Following are screenshot from eBay which shows how it is selling on eBay and does PRICE makes sense.



Hello Philatelist,

This blog post has nothing to do with Gandhi Philately, but it will give you idea when you compare other Indian Philatelic item selling on ebay with Gandhi Philately and figured out what's going in overall Philatelic World specially in 1948 India Gandhi Stamps.

Recently while researching about Gandhi Philately I saw postcard with "First Aerial Post" special cancellation issued in 1911 during U.P. Exhibition in Allahabad, so I was more curious about it as in past I saw too many FAKE/Forgery cancellation in Gandhi Philatelic material.

As per SELLER above is FORGED "First Aerial Post" special cancellation someone applied on some old postcard which are available on eBay or stamp shows from dealer at very low price and then affix stamp (of course stamp issued before 1910!!).

It's very easy to make rubber stamp. Just to go rubberstamps.net and upload jpeg image of this cancellation and your special cancellation is ready.!! Following is example of how to create your own postmark cancel on rubberstamps.net website. (click following image to enlarge it.)

Don't you think it's very easy to make rubber stamp and cancel it on any postcard or envelope and you  can get a old used cover.!!!

Lot of money is made with this kind of cancellation by selling Forged/FAKE material using rubber stamps on some postcard or envelope.!! Some time used cover with Receiving Cancel Date Stamp - CDS is alter with this kind of cancellation to make more authentic.!!

Following are screenshot of recently this forgery/fake cancellation was sold for $612 even though seller mentioned it's FORGERY.!! But guess what buyer did not paid for this.!! (This is similiar to Gandhi Philately world.!! where bidder bid very high and don't pay and in this way a glorification of thematic collection is happening.!!)

As per seller "drpokiri" (who also sells expensive Gandhi Philately material)  the rubber stamp appear to be reddish instead of pink. ( Thank God he mentioned this as Forgery otherwise he can also mention that this is uniqure/rare error cancellation instead of forgery.!!).

To me maker of this forgery cancellation on some old postcard did not get perfect ink first time.!! and after that he might got it right INK which might be selling on ebay.!!!!!!!!!!


This forgery card  from eBay seller "drpokiri" was sold  3 times.!! to "banti.6969" for $612, "bcsomani" for #370 and "coolblue" for $202


Read Seller description about Forgery of Aerial Post Cancellation and also who is buyer.

But what surprise me is that buyer "banti.6969" is willing to bid upto $612 and did not paid.!!! even though he was aware of this "Kindly treat as FORGERY" mentioned by seller.

Don't understand why someone wants to bid on Forgery items even stamp collection in DECLINE.!! Please read my following blog post to understand this DECLINE.

1) A Hobby in Decline : 1948 Gandhi USED cover case study.!!
2) A Hobby in Decline.!! - Part-2
3) How to invest when philately price is dropping.

Please read following blog post to see some famous Forgery/FAKE special cancellation (NEVER EXIST or ISSUED)  in Gandhi Philately.

1) Winnenden Massacre First Anniversary Cancellation 2009 from Germany on M.K.Gandhi Birthday.!!  ( Shameless act by greedy collector, will go to any extent to make money.!!)
2) 1948 Gandhi Mourning FDC cancellation

This First Aerial Post Cancellation not completely FAKE (without German Post approval) like Germamy 2009 Gandhi International Non Violence Day but it's forgery some what like Gandhi Mourning FDC cancellation.

Now don't you think similarities between Gandhi Philately and other thematic Philately related to India.!!!

Please read following series of my blog post  to understand what is going on 1948 Gandhi India stamps and compare this with your Indian thematic philately material.

1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover :  Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed 
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II

As you read this blog post don't you think that FAKE/FORGERY Cancellation is a way for Gandhi Philately including 1948 Gandhi Stamps from India.!! along with highly inflated price and not buying it (not paying it).

Now I am not sure whether following India 1911 First Aerial Post from Allahabad cancellation is GENUINE.!!

Also I am not sure about pricing of this material. Don't think this as reference point but think as some kind of inflated price (shill bidding).

In period of 30 days only you can see 8+ special postmark cancellation of FIRST AERIAL POST from Allahabad was sold on eBay so it's not RARE or UNIQUE. Don't  you surprise that  after 101+ years this shear quantity of cancellation is available on online auction for sale.

So please beware when you buy any Indian Philately material. Looks like all things which happens in Gandhi Philately is happening in all thematic philately related to India such as British India stamps, Queen Victoria stamps , Indian States stamps, First Aerial Posts stamps and ...........!!!!!!!

After looking to this value to me it looks like no one wants to collect stamps in this modern world, because there are lot of others things to do, such as play video games on ipad, xbox, gamecube or on internet surf on web or facebook or lot of other outdoor activity such a hiking, skating, running etc or watch different shows on TV or sports games such as Cricket or Football or Basketball or just talking on smartphone or chating.!!

After all this kind of things you don't get any more extra time to pursue your hobby of stamp collection were not that many people are involved and you feel like retard when you talk to friends.!!

Also there are lot of cheating such as Forgery stamps, Shill bidding, BOGUS philatelic material  involved in stamps collection.

Want to know more about FAKE and FORGERY stamps then checkout other blog post click one of the following link and you will be surprised.!!!

1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal 
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection 
12) How to increase stamp collection value

Now does it make sense to collect stamps ?

Gandhi Stamps Club

Update on 7/28/2012 :

This card was again sold for $370. Don't know why someone is willing to buy forgery material.!! They can make one by themselves and can save lot of money.!!

Following are screenshot of it.

It's also sold for 3rd time.!!! for $202.!!

Buyer is "coolblue1955" and loser is "kad_ss" (Is it a SHILL Bidding ?)


COURVOISIER STAMPS FOLDER : 1948 Gandhi Stamps from India

Hello Gandhi Philatelist,

In 1948 Indian Government decided to print Gandhi stamps as a memorial, using photogravure press, and hence had to employ the services of the Swiss printers, Helio Courvoisier, Sa. LaChaux De Fonds, instead of the India Security Press.

Recently I saw folder selling for $5311 so I thought let me spend time on this.  Not sure what kind of importance is this folder in philatelic collection.

To me all this folders are worthless. (Yes worthless.!!).

While searching on this I found following on the web.

"This folder was given to Very Very Important Persons (VVIPs) who attended the ceremony.
Only 50 of these folders were given as gifts to visiting high ranking officials." 

Not sure above information is correct but your guess is my guess.!!

But to me it looks all BOGUS. 

Never issued by Courvoisier.!! and even if they did then also it's not a collectible item.!!

Now while looking to image of this folder online I don't see any information about this was specially made for Gandhi Stamps. Looks like it is general purpose folder which might be used for all new issue stamps.

But what amazed me that I see wide varieties of folder with different printing on it. Some folder mentioned "INDE 1948" on top center and  in right bottom it mentioned "Avec les compliments de, G. Essig Courvoiseir,  administrateur de Courvoiser s.a"

But I also saw folder with nothing printed in the center page were the stamps is printed and also type of thick paper also looks different to me. Also stamp positioning does not match between this two folders.!!

So not sure which is one is Genuine or both are Genuine or both are FAKE.!!

To me it just look like a thick paper and it's another way to make money out of Gandhi Stamps.!! 

Also chances are you might get FAKE (facsimile or copy) when you buy 1948 Gandhi Stamps so beware.! Please read my previous blog post about this FAKE Gandhi Stamps.

Following are 2 different types of folder seen on online auction sites.

On Delcampe :- From France sold for $2600 which buyer did not paid.!! (no front portion of folder can be seen online.)


On eBay : Selling for $5300 from TAIWAN (Missing "INDE 1948" & "Avec les compliments de, G. Essig courvoiseir adminstrateur de Courvoiser s.a" ) 


If you compare both folder you will find that it's completely different. So not sure about which is Genuine and which is FAKE.

To me both looks like piece of paper printed with Courvoisier.!! So stay away. We might see more varieties of this.

Guess what, in this case also buyer from India did not paid(just inflated the price).!!!!!!! Following is the screenshot from delcampe which will give you some idea what's going on Indian Philately.
Also you can read my blog post about Indian Philately Exposed and Indian Philately Exposed - II

But what amazed is not authenticity of this special folder but the price it was offered(4th offered) to me. Only 611 Euros.!!! and guess what I did not bought it.!!! because I don't want this kind of shady philatelic material in my collection which has nothing to do with Gandhi Philately.!!

Think about the difference 2100 - 611 Euros.!!

Also interesting think to notice is where the price of bidding ended. Both "spellbound" and "stampslover" bidded till 2100 Euros and then stop.!!

If real buyer then they will try to bid little bit more.

3rd bidder is  "0261orthod" bidded 832 euros.!!

Don't you think it's a pattern to cheat Gandhi Collector.?

 Don't you think that this is nothing but inflated price for just regular folder in name of Gandhi Philately.!!

Following is the screenshot of that email.

Chances are if I buy it then I will get FAKE (facsimile) stamps which are widely available in 1948 Gandhi stamps and just piece of thick paper as folder for 611 Euros.!!! which will worth only $5-7 for facsimile stamps.!!

Avoid private transaction all together as getting Fake and forgery is very very high as you cannot return it.!!

Want to learn more about Indian Philately (1948 India Gandhi stamps) then click following link to read my previous blog posts.

7) Indian Philately EXPOSED ?

Now you are on your own what you need for your collection and what kind of pocket you have and what kind of collector you are.!!

But my guess is this is easy way to make money by adding 4 stamps in a folder and charging 20-30 times more.  Also FAKE1948 Gandhi stamps are available in large quantity so beware of this also.

This is a common practice in philately world where mint stamps are less worth then philatelic material. So don't just jump in to collection of philatelic material because you 90% of Gandhi Philatelic material is questionable as chances are more for FAKE/FORGERY.


Gandhi Boycott Label.

The Swadeshi movement, part of the Indian independence movement, was a successful economic strategy to remove the British Empire from power and improve economic conditions in India through following principles of swadeshi (self-sufficiency). Strategies of the swadeshi movement involved boycotting British products and the revival of domestic-made products and production techniques.

Swadeshi Movement emanated from the partition of Bengal, 1905 and continued up to 1908. It was the most successful of the pre-Gandhian movements. Chief architects were Aurobindo Ghosh, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal and Lala Lajpat Rai. Swadeshi, as a strategy, was a key focus of Mahatma Gandhi who described it as the soul of Swaraj (self rule). However there is no corroborative evidence to support that Swadeshi was successful at punishing the British.

I don't have this Gandhi label because it never appealed me to add in my collection as I think it can be printed any time as there are no law to prevent this from reprinting and also no authority to monitor this as it is a LABEL.!!

But I was more amazed when I saw 25 LABEL (not stamp or officially issued by government) were selling for $3000.!!

This Piece of paper can be printed anytime by anyone on lithograph printer which are still way to print for some countries in world were selling for $3000!!

I don't think this LABEL deserve this much pricing because it's a piece of paper without any validity.

If you have money to throw away then this is the right thing to buy.!!!

If you have money to throw away then start collecting  British India Stamps, 1948 Gandhi Stamps and Philatelic material and you will have a PIECE of PAPER (with no peace of mind.!!).

Still cannot decide then read following blog post which might help you.

Still not decided then my opinion is AVOID it all the cost.!! and have peace of mind instead of worrying you are buying Genuine material.!!!

To me all Gandhi Philatelic material available ( specially before 1950) looks FAKE or Forgery as it is very hard to find Genuine stuff and as new collectors (like me) wants to collect, so some greedy experienced collectors/dealers will provide  all of us as well as experienced collectors.!!

Still want to do research how some collector throw money on Gandhi Philatelic material then please read my other blog post and you can follow them.!!

1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover :  Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed 
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II

So I am not sure why collectors are buying it for 5-15$. Sometimes it goes upto 50+ dollars.!!!

I think it will be very hard to find original as it has been almost 80+ years and during that time it's main purpose was to use it on mail to oppose British and spread the message. Also there were very less collector during that time and also paper quality & local printing quality cannot sustain weather and all other condition required to keep this kind of material in good condition. Another thing is that people were even afraid to keep this kind of label with them as they were feared from Britisher.!!

Recently this kind of label was sold for $41 and only single bidder for this item. Don't know why paying $41 for this PIECE OF PAPER.

Also one more thing I noticed is initial starting price of auction was $41.!!! Not sure why so high.!!

If it is high price than seller has no confidence about his item.!! but this will stop shill bidding.!!

Seller: London-stamps from UK.
Buyer: Coolblue1955 from India
Sale: $41
Date: 4/17/2011

My advice will be stay away from this PIECE OF PAPER or Label or Cinderella.!!!

Or look for some genuine seller who will mention that this is Cindrella and price will be cheap. Following screen shot is from ebay where seller mentioned about this and selling under 6-7$.

If you have any more information than please write a comment so everyone can read it.

Please read my following post related to King George stamp, King Edward stamp, British India Specimen stamp and Nigeria King George stamps to understand what's going on with all forgery, facsimile, specimen, pricing etc.

3) Forgery in 1854 Queen Victoria stamp
4) King George Specimen stamp

Gandhi Stamps club


Nicaragua stamps : 100 years of Cinema

The Frenchman Louis Lumiere is often credited as inventing the first motion picture camera in 1895. But in truth, several others had made similar inventions around the same time as Lumiere. What Lumiere invented was a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe, three functions covered in one invention.

The Cinematographe made motion pictures very popular, and it could be better be said that Lumiere's invention began the motion picture era. In 1895, Lumiere and his brother were the first to present projected, moving, photographic, pictures to a paying audience of more that one person.


So to celebrate this Nicaragua issued miniature sheet with Nicaragua stamps of 12 famous movie stars/authors/producer/directors to celebrate (1895 - 1995) 100 Años del Cine.

In this stamp sheet there is a Nicaragua stamp about Gandhi Movie by Richard Attenborough. 

Other Nicaragua stamps are Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles, David Lean, Sergio Eisenstein, Fritz Lang- Metropolis,  Cecil B. Demille,  Micheal Curtiz, Oliver Stone, Francis Ford Coppola, Stanley Kubrick and Jean Renoir.

On each Nicaragua stamps it is mentioned year 1994 but actually it was issued in 1995. In Scott Catalogue this stamp sheet issue date is mentioned as 14 November 1994, but actual date is 22-Feb, 1995.

Now following are 2 different Nicaragua stamps FDC of this stamp sheet. One is 1994 and other is 1995.!!! and one is FAKE.!!  It looks like a person just look at Scott catalogue and made a cancel with that dates.!!
FAKE 1994 FDC 

Genuine 1995 FDC

Following Nicaragua FDC were issued in 1994, you will see that all of them has "Correos de Nicaragua". Now compare this with above 1994 FDC and this is missing.!!! 

 Also look at the all covers and cancellation and you will see  different uniqueness Cachet & Special Cancellation related to each Nicaragua stamps on each cover related to the stamps. (Not just rubber stamp on plain cover.!!)

Currently this FDC is selling for $25 !!   It's easy to make rubber stamp so just buy stamp sheet under $10 and make FDC.!!

This will  not even consider as a private FDC because stamp sheet was not actually issued on this date.!! It was taken from false source which was never corrected in that sources and creator of this FAKE FDC thought this is the correct date and made rubber stamp with this date!!!!!!!

I found non Gandhi philatelic material resource on Internet which also indicates it was indeed issued in 1995.  To read more about this stamps and cancellation please cick following link about American Cinema.



After reading above blog post don't you think similar pattern for making FDC or Max Card in Gandhi Philately.!! (It's a whole new topical Philately !! FAKE Gandhi thematic collection.!!)

Don't you think that is there any Genuine GANDHI philatelic material ever issued.!!! Most of the Gandhi stamps were issued in 1969 and during that time there were very less collectors so it is not enough for current needs of collectors.

Also I think because of recent popularity of Gandhi stamps there is a huge demand of it  so dealers and resellers (even printers) are trying to take benefit by issuing FAKE and Forgery material of some never issued stamps, FDC or Used Covers including Register Covers so Beware before you enter in to Gandhi Philately collection.!!

Is it hobby with investment or scam in mind? !! Think before you buy any Gandhi Philately Material as it is very easy to make rubber stamp.!!! 

This is how stamp printers and stamp dealers prosper!!

Thanks again Dr. Jean-Michel for your valuable time to nail this FAKE FDC.

This blog is dedicated to my philatelic friend who is one of the renowned Nicaraguan Philatelist Dr. Jean-Michel (Professor Jean) who had helped me to find more information about Nicaragua 100 Years of Movies FDC with miniature stamp sheet issued in 1995.(On stamp it is mentioned as "Correos 1994")

As I was not satisfied with information available about Nicaragua stamp sheet on Gandhi resources on Internet as well as in philately handbook about this 100 years of Movie stamp sheet FDC so I decide to email (Call a Friend option!!) Dr. Jean-Michel and it did not took  him  long time to send me accurate info about this stamp sheet which will not only help to Gandhi Collectors but also all other collectors that what are possibilities in stamp collection or Philately.!!

We had seen this in  Gandhi stamp collection, were everyone think they are smarter than other.!!! 

Click one of the following link and you will become smarter.!!

Now does it make sense to collect stamps after looking above blog posts?

Gandhi Stamps Club


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