Recently I saw "The World's First Official Aerial Post" cachet (rubber stamp) applied on stamp instead on side of the cover was selling for $999 (starting bid) from eBay seller from USA "drpokiri" and item location in India.
But if you compare with forgery of this cachet you will be surprised that there is no difference at all and it will be very hard for you to tell that this The World's First Official Aerial Post is genuine or forgery.
But what are chances of this as FAKE (Never exist) or Bogus.!! ?
No one ever DOUBT about this as Bogus rubber stamp.!!
I know it will be very hard to prove that this BOGUS (never exist) as it has been glorified since 100+ years.
I am surprised no one question this cachet and event in 100 years except me.!!
So it will be very hard for some one to believe me.!!
But after looking in depth about various Indian Philatelic material I think we all need to question our self what is this actually. Does it make sense that this is indeed actual World's first official Aerial post before UK and USA.!!
You cannot find any video (film) images of flown airplane of this event so chances of BOGUS are very high that it was not flown with mail.!!
Such a big event in world as well as in India (no one has seen plane before) there should be some photographs or film taken during that time.!
There was a video of first aerial mail in UK from Hendon to Windsor.!!
You can't just believe 1974 interview of pilot Henri Pequet that he actually carried mail. (He also wants glorification.!!)
We know that this is widely glorified philatelic item with award winning stamp exhibit, anniversary stamp from India post and widely published in philatelic HANDBOOKS but if you think in detail than it does not make sense that airplane was flown from Allahabad, cachet was issued on that day etc.!!
We know all that HANDBOOKS and stamp exhibit are nothing but false information which is published in order to sell forgery or Bogus items and to make money.!!
Following are some of the points you need to think before you think it was indeed GENUINE during 1911.!!
1) Only one person came to pickup mail (6500 letters/covers)
Can you believe this that in 1911 only one person will come to see this airplane.!!!
At that time no one knew about airplane in India.!! So don't you think there will be lot of people come from surrounding cities and villages to see this.
If 6500 letters can be send than there should be the collectors or senders of this letter will be there to see it.
I know when Indian railway introduce Double Decker compartment were introduce in India about 30 years ago there were large crowd every where (including railway platform and near rail track) for 2-3 months.!!
So think about aeroplane in 1911, which Indian never thought about or seen. ( It will be General cook experience of "GOD" when we went to Hawaii. as no one had seen WHITE people.!!)
I think it will be similar experience at that time(vehicle of God)!!
Still no one came to see this aeroplane.!!
WHY ? ( might be not happened at all.!!)
Now if you compare with First Aerial Mail in Hendon to Windsor in UK you will see there were lot of people on both sides.
Click following link to see video proof of First Aerial Mail from Hendon to Windsor.!!
2) Location does not make sense.
As airplane was brought from UK or USA it will be very hard to transport to Allahabad.
I read that it was part of airplane exhibition in Allahabad, but does it makes sense.!! Why not in Bombay or Madras or Calcutta or Delhi.
Now if you see the location of Allahabad it's not near ocean so it will very difficult to transport the parts of aeroplane and assemble easily as there were not trucks or crane available to move it to this internal part of India which is about 800 KM away from Calcutta which is the nearest harbor or ship dock.
Can you believe that they actually transport airplane that far looking to condition of road or train or other infrastructure 103+ years ago in India.!!
WHY not Bombay or Calcutta or Madras even though they were big cities? ( because they will get caught.!)
3) Cachet itself looks very creative during that time.
If you see other cachet during that time this The World's First Official Aerial Post rubber stamp had artwork of AIRPLANE inside and also magenta color ink of cachet.
Even First Aerial mail in London had no artwork and also it has date and black color ink which was flown after Allahabad.
Also why cachet is applied on stamp which don't have date.!! ?
WHY ? ( to prove it was indeed flown in airplane.!)
4) The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 from Allahabad was send to King of England.
Can't you send to any Bogus or Forgery to King of England in order to make it authentic.
We had seen Indian Embassy of Nepal cover with Gandhi stamps on First Day of Issue 1948 Gandhi stamp to PRIME MINSTER of NEPAL. (click following link to read)
Prime Minister of Nepal cover of 1948 Gandhi stamps from Indian Embassy : Is it GENUINE, FAKE OR STOLEN?
Also you can donate this after 50-100 years to Philatelic Museum to make it more glorified.!!
WHY ? (so they can prove that it's genuine.!!)
Following is FORGERY of The World's First Official Aerial Post and compare with original one selling right now. This forgery was also sold by same seller "drpokiri".
So after reading all of the above questionable points, what do you think about current cachet which is selling for $999.!!
eBay don't care whether it's real or genuine as they are just marketplace were they connect buyer and seller.
They just want commission from this sale.!!
I was surprised after reading recent article about "eBay Admits It Banned A Whistleblower Warning Shoppers About Fake Products"
Click following link to read full article and think how it can be used to make money on eBay or you can also think how to protect yourself in stamp collection.
Also I was surprised how STOLEN goods were sold on eBay and no one cares.!!
Yes "No one Cares" including eBay or Police.!!
So don't you think this apply to Stamp collection also were you can see lot of forgeries are available in wide thematic collection of stamps philatelic material such as used covers or register cover or special cachet by just applying rubber stamp.!!
But it will be more easier to just create BOGUS (never exist) Gandhi stamp philatelic material available on eBay ?
If you read above article than it's a same way like "Sandisk 64GB microSDHC memory card" on eBay. But Sandisk doesn't make such a product.!!!
Let see some example :
FORGERY of The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 :
Want to know more about "The World's First Official Aerial Post" then read my following blog post.
1) No difference between Genuine or Forgery of The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 except COLOR OF INK!! (Does it make sense to you)
2) Insufficient postage and no registration rubber stamp on The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911. (Don't you think it's all BOGUS).
3) FORGERY of "The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911" was sold for 3 times.!! (Can you believe it).
So it's easy way to make money on eBay by making BOGUS philatelic material like following.
BOGUS Rubber stamp of Round Table Conference selling for $255.!!
Do you really think Indian Round Table Conference CDS was actually issued or it's just a rubber stamp which was never issued.
Fake SERVICE stamps is available in large quantity.!!
What is Tibet 1949 register cover with 1948 Gandhi stamps without stamps from Tibet and Indian Embassy of Nepal?
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
FORGED India 1948 Gandhi stamps FDC!!
OVERPRINT stamp issue from Cameroun, Nicragua & Togo. Does not make sense at all someone printing on stamp by mistake. This is delibrate act.
Why 2009 FAKE or BOGUS (not approved by Germany post) Germany Special Cancellation on October 2nd.? (This makes all 1969 special cancellation questionable!!, because who knows what have happen in 1969.!!). Also don't know up to what stage collector goes to take benefit. !!
BIDDERS!! "hitlerandgandhi" just to glorify Gandhi stamps they increase price of 1948 Gandhi FDC and Used covers.!!! (Images are not enough to understand this so read following blog posts.!!)
Read some of interesting blog post to see how COLLECTORS/DEALERS are working to get your money by selling forgery or Bogus gandhi stamps.!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Does it makes sense that The World's First Official Aerial Post in 1911 really happened.?
It will be very hard to find out even we see all anniversary stamps are issued from Indian Postal Department.!!
I will never pay or collect this kind of rubber stamp because it's very easy to make it and can be claimed as official.!!
Now it's up to you decide whether to buy or not.
Also if you are philatelic judge and doing research on this, please consider all this point before giving medal if you really want to keep faith in stamp collecting for new stamp collector other wise stamp collection will be DEAD very fast.!!
If I am philatelic judge I will disqualified any thing related to 1911 Allahabad First Aerial Post after considering all of the above points.
Gandhi Stamps Club
Further reading :
Update : -
But if you compare with forgery of this cachet you will be surprised that there is no difference at all and it will be very hard for you to tell that this The World's First Official Aerial Post is genuine or forgery.
But what are chances of this as FAKE (Never exist) or Bogus.!! ?
No one ever DOUBT about this as Bogus rubber stamp.!!
I know it will be very hard to prove that this BOGUS (never exist) as it has been glorified since 100+ years.
I am surprised no one question this cachet and event in 100 years except me.!!
So it will be very hard for some one to believe me.!!
But after looking in depth about various Indian Philatelic material I think we all need to question our self what is this actually. Does it make sense that this is indeed actual World's first official Aerial post before UK and USA.!!
You cannot find any video (film) images of flown airplane of this event so chances of BOGUS are very high that it was not flown with mail.!!
Such a big event in world as well as in India (no one has seen plane before) there should be some photographs or film taken during that time.!
There was a video of first aerial mail in UK from Hendon to Windsor.!!
You can't just believe 1974 interview of pilot Henri Pequet that he actually carried mail. (He also wants glorification.!!)
We know that this is widely glorified philatelic item with award winning stamp exhibit, anniversary stamp from India post and widely published in philatelic HANDBOOKS but if you think in detail than it does not make sense that airplane was flown from Allahabad, cachet was issued on that day etc.!!
We know all that HANDBOOKS and stamp exhibit are nothing but false information which is published in order to sell forgery or Bogus items and to make money.!!
Following are some of the points you need to think before you think it was indeed GENUINE during 1911.!!
1) Only one person came to pickup mail (6500 letters/covers)
Can you believe this that in 1911 only one person will come to see this airplane.!!!
At that time no one knew about airplane in India.!! So don't you think there will be lot of people come from surrounding cities and villages to see this.
If 6500 letters can be send than there should be the collectors or senders of this letter will be there to see it.
I know when Indian railway introduce Double Decker compartment were introduce in India about 30 years ago there were large crowd every where (including railway platform and near rail track) for 2-3 months.!!
So think about aeroplane in 1911, which Indian never thought about or seen. ( It will be General cook experience of "GOD" when we went to Hawaii. as no one had seen WHITE people.!!)
I think it will be similar experience at that time(vehicle of God)!!
Still no one came to see this aeroplane.!!
WHY ? ( might be not happened at all.!!)
Now if you compare with First Aerial Mail in Hendon to Windsor in UK you will see there were lot of people on both sides.
Click following link to see video proof of First Aerial Mail from Hendon to Windsor.!!
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As airplane was brought from UK or USA it will be very hard to transport to Allahabad.
I read that it was part of airplane exhibition in Allahabad, but does it makes sense.!! Why not in Bombay or Madras or Calcutta or Delhi.
Now if you see the location of Allahabad it's not near ocean so it will very difficult to transport the parts of aeroplane and assemble easily as there were not trucks or crane available to move it to this internal part of India which is about 800 KM away from Calcutta which is the nearest harbor or ship dock.
Can you believe that they actually transport airplane that far looking to condition of road or train or other infrastructure 103+ years ago in India.!!
WHY not Bombay or Calcutta or Madras even though they were big cities? ( because they will get caught.!)
3) Cachet itself looks very creative during that time.
If you see other cachet during that time this The World's First Official Aerial Post rubber stamp had artwork of AIRPLANE inside and also magenta color ink of cachet.
Even First Aerial mail in London had no artwork and also it has date and black color ink which was flown after Allahabad.
Also why cachet is applied on stamp which don't have date.!! ?
WHY ? ( to prove it was indeed flown in airplane.!)
4) The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 from Allahabad was send to King of England.
Can't you send to any Bogus or Forgery to King of England in order to make it authentic.
We had seen Indian Embassy of Nepal cover with Gandhi stamps on First Day of Issue 1948 Gandhi stamp to PRIME MINSTER of NEPAL. (click following link to read)
Prime Minister of Nepal cover of 1948 Gandhi stamps from Indian Embassy : Is it GENUINE, FAKE OR STOLEN?
Also you can donate this after 50-100 years to Philatelic Museum to make it more glorified.!!
WHY ? (so they can prove that it's genuine.!!)
Following is FORGERY of The World's First Official Aerial Post and compare with original one selling right now. This forgery was also sold by same seller "drpokiri".
Now compare with following selling for $999.!!
eBay don't care whether it's real or genuine as they are just marketplace were they connect buyer and seller.
They just want commission from this sale.!!
I was surprised after reading recent article about "eBay Admits It Banned A Whistleblower Warning Shoppers About Fake Products"
Click following link to read full article and think how it can be used to make money on eBay or you can also think how to protect yourself in stamp collection.
Also I was surprised how STOLEN goods were sold on eBay and no one cares.!!
Yes "No one Cares" including eBay or Police.!!
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But it will be more easier to just create BOGUS (never exist) Gandhi stamp philatelic material available on eBay ?
If you read above article than it's a same way like "Sandisk 64GB microSDHC memory card" on eBay. But Sandisk doesn't make such a product.!!!
Let see some example :
FORGERY of The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 :
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BOGUS forgery cancellation card of 1911 First Aerial Mail from Allahabad. |
1) No difference between Genuine or Forgery of The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911 except COLOR OF INK!! (Does it make sense to you)
2) Insufficient postage and no registration rubber stamp on The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911. (Don't you think it's all BOGUS).
3) FORGERY of "The World's First Official Aerial Post, 1911" was sold for 3 times.!! (Can you believe it).
So it's easy way to make money on eBay by making BOGUS philatelic material like following.
Following are some forgery blog post I wrote in past.
BOGUS Rubber stamp of Round Table Conference selling for $255.!!
Do you really think Indian Round Table Conference CDS was actually issued or it's just a rubber stamp which was never issued.
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Nepal India Embassy postmark stamp on SUNDAY as if Embassy employees are working on Weekend for stamping postal mail.!!
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Gandhi SERVICE FAKE Stamps and Governor Cancellation |
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FAKE 1948 Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation and Independence day of India |
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
Forged 1948 Gandhi Nepal Indian Embassy Cancellation |
FAKE 1948 Gandhi stamps "JAI HIND" Cancellation |
FAKE Overprint Cameroun, Nicaragua stamps and FDC!! |
Why 2009 FAKE or BOGUS (not approved by Germany post) Germany Special Cancellation on October 2nd.? (This makes all 1969 special cancellation questionable!!, because who knows what have happen in 1969.!!). Also don't know up to what stage collector goes to take benefit. !!
BIDDERS!! "hitlerandgandhi" just to glorify Gandhi stamps they increase price of 1948 Gandhi FDC and Used covers.!!! (Images are not enough to understand this so read following blog posts.!!)
Read some of interesting blog post to see how COLLECTORS/DEALERS are working to get your money by selling forgery or Bogus gandhi stamps.!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
Does it makes sense that The World's First Official Aerial Post in 1911 really happened.?
It will be very hard to find out even we see all anniversary stamps are issued from Indian Postal Department.!!
I will never pay or collect this kind of rubber stamp because it's very easy to make it and can be claimed as official.!!
Now it's up to you decide whether to buy or not.
Also if you are philatelic judge and doing research on this, please consider all this point before giving medal if you really want to keep faith in stamp collecting for new stamp collector other wise stamp collection will be DEAD very fast.!!
If I am philatelic judge I will disqualified any thing related to 1911 Allahabad First Aerial Post after considering all of the above points.
Gandhi Stamps Club
Further reading :
Update : -
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