Once collecting stamp was king of hobby but now it's nothing but HOW to make MONEY by making forgery or BOGUS used stamp covers or special stamp covers or special cancellation cover !!
Following is a great example of British India Queen Victoria stamp. If seller don't mention it than some one will think it's a genuine cover.!!
Also you can get EXPERTISING CERTIFICATE from anyone.( I can provide expertising certificate that this as genuine cover.!!)
This was made by using any old cover after affixing stamp and applying rubber stamp (forged).
All rubber stamps are forgery or bogus (don't exist) as we don't know what kinds of rubber stamp were used.
And that's why I stop collecting used covers or special covers or special cancellation !!
British India Queen Victoria stamps used on cover was sold for $16.

British India Queen Victoria stamps used on cover with different rubber stamps.!!
Looks all rubber stamps are bogus.!!
British India Queen Victoria stamps cover on reverse side with CDS.
Don't it look like British India First Air Mail cover from Allahabad.
Following BOGUS special cancellation cover was made in 2009 which even won a medal in stamp exhibition.!!

Click to read more about it .
Also this 2009 Winnenden Special cover was in award winning exhibit. !!
Following are some forgery blog post I wrote in past.
1911 First Aerial Mail post forgery card (one of the greatest philatelic blunder in forgery) with receiving and sending postmark.
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BOGUS forgery cancellation card of 1911 First Aerial Mail from Allahabad. |
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http://gandhistampsclub.blogspot.com/2013/01/rare-stamps-old-stamps-rps-certificate.html |
Fake 10 Rupees SERVICE stamps is available in large quantity.!!
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Gandhi SERVICE FAKE Stamps and Governor Cancellation |
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FAKE 1948 Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation and Independence day of India |
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
Forged 1948 Gandhi Nepal Indian Embassy Cancellation |
FAKE 1948 Gandhi stamps "JAI HIND" Cancellation |
I am not expert and I am in this hobby for 4 years only so you don't have to believe me or trust me. But you can think about it. There are more experts with 20-30-40-50 years sitting around with stamp hobby and there are expertizing certificate which might help you.
If you don't want to go through all this don't think as Investment and think as "Philately Greed" and you will be SAFE.
I think collector, dealers, seller, forger will do anything for money such as making BOGUS cancellation from Winnenden to celebrate non-violence for school shooting or plane crash cover, forged 1948 stamps, Nepal Indian Embassy cancellation, Gandhi SERVICE stamp with forged Sunday cancellation, letter reaching after 2 years or reaching in 3 days from India to France by removing stamps and black ink of rubber stamp etc.
It's nothing new. In stamp collection it has been going on 160+ years since Penny Black. But counterfeit or forgery is going on since 700 B.C. ( 2500+ years).
Don't you think it's a "PHILATELIC GREED"!!
Read some of interesting blog post to see how CHEATERS are working to get your money by selling forgery or Bogus gandhi stamps.!!
1) Philatelic FAKE and FORGERIES.
3) Stamp collection CHEATING.
4) Stamp Collection Value
5) Stamp Collecting Facts
6) China stamp collection value.
7) First AirMail Post
8) World First Flight Cover
9) Greatest Stamp Collection Scandal
10) Biggest stamp collection SCAM
11) SCANDAL in stamp collection
12) How to increase stamp collection value
And because of this I stop collecting used covers or special covers or special cancellation !!
Don't you think it's now your turn to stop collecting used covers or special covers or special cancellation !!