After doing some research on India 1948 Telegram Form it looks like that stamps were not affixed on the Telegram form but still have Indian cancellations postmarks.
Following are India 1948 Telegram Form with Indian cancellations postmarks of post office which don't have any stamps on it.
So why we see 1948 Gandhi stamps on Telegram Forms with Indian cancellations postmarks..!!
To me it's market and demand !!
Which is created artificially by collectors, authors and dealers to make MONEY.!!
(DISCLOSURE : I bought one with Gandhi stamps for high price and still have in my collection.!!! But I don't want you to have piece of paper as philatelic item from India cancellation postmarks.)
Don't you think it's almost impossible, if you are not aware of FORGERY of Zeppelin flight cover Germany.
Any one can create a rubber stamp like a kids project and apply to any piece of postcard .!!
Read my following blog post about FORGERY of Zeppelin flight cover and see what's going on in Zeppelin flight cover Germany.
Also in past I wrote blog post about
Rocket Mail Cover ?
India Rocket Mail
Zeppelin Air mail cover : FORGERY is selling as GENUINE ?
Please read it and think what is going on and what are chances.
In my previous blog post I mentioned about forgery cancellation, unbelievable price in Aero Philately, World First Flight air mail cover - who are/were also Gandhi stamps seller.
Click following link to read my blog post about Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Following is FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
Looks like lot of similarities between Gandhi stamps and Air Flight covers, First Flight covers, First Air Mail cover and First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Above are all bogus RUBBER stamps (which never exist) or forgery which will help future collectors whether they really want to start collecting stamps and philately.!!
Following are India 1948 Telegram Form with Indian cancellations postmarks of post office which don't have any stamps on it.
So why we see 1948 Gandhi stamps on Telegram Forms with Indian cancellations postmarks..!!
To me it's market and demand !!
Which is created artificially by collectors, authors and dealers to make MONEY.!!
(DISCLOSURE : I bought one with Gandhi stamps for high price and still have in my collection.!!! But I don't want you to have piece of paper as philatelic item from India cancellation postmarks.)
Following are 1948 Gandhi stamps on India Telegram forms.
So after looking above forms does it makes sense stamps on Telegram forms.?
You decide.!
Do it think it's BOGUS ? (stamp affixed to make money.!!)
My personal opinion about Telegram India forms with 1948 Gandhi stamps is BOGUS.!!
Now it's up to you decide and pay $30 or $50 or $100 on this kind of piece of papers.
Any one can create a rubber stamp like a kids project and apply to any piece of postcard .!!
Read my following blog post about FORGERY of Zeppelin flight cover and see what's going on in Zeppelin flight cover Germany.
Recently I saw 1931 Graf Zeppelin Polar Flight cover Germany selling for $340 by ebay seller "gemadastamps" from Oregon , which is similar to forgery I saw which was sold under $5.
So what are chances of forgery selling as genuine ?
Also in past I wrote blog post about
Rocket Mail Cover ?
India Rocket Mail
Zeppelin Air mail cover : FORGERY is selling as GENUINE ?
Please read it and think what is going on and what are chances.
Do you still trust or believe in rare or unique Gandhi Philatelic material with all kind of different rubber stamps on 1948 Gandhi stamps from India.?
Do you still believe in 1911 First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.?
If answer is yes then read following blog post and think about it again.
In past I saw FAKE Zeppelin Flight covers.!! or Aero Philately covers and if seller "aozisik" had not mentioned it as FAKE then it will be not even get notice that they are indeed FAKE flight covers for aero philately.
What I learned in 4+ years that as you move from stamps and first day covers you will face more and more FORGERY or BOGUS philatelic material because advance or experienced collectors wants RARE stamps or UNIQUE stamp collecting material, and so you will see more forgery in some unique stamp exhibition also which can bring you medal.
Stamp and FDC will not get you medal.!! so you need to get some rare stamp collecting material which is only way to create forgery and create scare.
Excellent quality in Aero Philately FAKE flight covers if you see different combination of rubber stamps of POSTMARK of different post office as well as CACHET.
This 18 Zeppelin Flight Covers were sold for $50.
If seller did not mentioned FAKE and did SHILL bidding then it will sell like 1911 First Aerial Mail Post from Allahabad and can make lot of money.
Of course there will lot of bidders (Shill) instead of just one in this auction so it really looks like authentic auction and can glorify with # of bidders and # of bids.
Click following link to read my blog post about Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers and you decide whether you really want to be part of this kind of shady collection.
First Aerial Post : India 1911 World 1st AERIAL POST ALLAHABAD
First Aerial Mail Post and Gandhi Stamps material SELLER.
INDIA STAMP FIRST AERIAL POST 1911 ALLAHABAD : Indian Philately Exposed - Part IV
First Aerial Post : Do you really think it's RARE and demands such a high price in philatelic collection? Is it valid in philatelic exhibition if postage stamps used is not valid ? or it's VALUE LESS.
This means that all rubber stamp (postmark and cachet) applied on this First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin cover, maxicard or postcard are FAKE.
Following all are FAKE rubber stamp of post office of Grafzeppelin, Moscou, Arctique as well as very beautiful cachet on Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Do you think above FAKE covers might made it to philatelic museum in order to glorify Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers ?
Following is FORGED cachet of First Aerial Post which is also selling as First Air Mail Cover, World First Air Post etc.
Also post office postmark which are not applied on stamps are also forged from Allahabad post office dated 18 February 1911, as well as Sitapur post office.
There is no difference between First Aerial Post, U.P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911 and all of the above rubber stamp postmark and cachet.
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Looks like lot of similarities between Gandhi stamps and Air Flight covers, First Flight covers, First Air Mail cover and First Aerial Mail from Allahabad.
Even Register rubber stamps are FAKE in both.

Germany FAKE Cancellation :
Mauritius FAKE zipcode :
Early Usage cover :
First Aerial Mail :
Forgery in stamp collection and philatelic material is nothing new. It has been going around since last 150 years since Penny Black first every stamp issued by Great Britain. But the quantity and quality of forged stamps we see in today's world is unbelievable.
It's hard which one is REAL and which one is FAKE. And if it is on used cover or register cover with forged postmark cancellation it will be impossible for new or regular collector.!!
In Indian stamps and philately specially in Gandhi collection we have seen lot of forgery stamps and philatelic materials, some of them are following.
3) Forged 1948 Gandhi Mourning first day cover.(different way to mourn.!!)
9) FAKE Germany Gandhi Cancellation from Winnenden to spread non-violence for school shooting incident. ( philatelic gone extreme.!!)
Looks like Gandhi stamps and philatelic material have all kinds of Forgery.!!! including Indian Philatelic items such as 1911 First Aerial Mail from Allahabad and 1854 Queen Victoria stamps.!!
So what are chances of getting this FAKE Aero Philately cover as Genuine covers?
I think if you are new collectors and don't know what's going on behind the doors than you will end up buying it and regret whole your life that Aero Philately - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers sucked my money.!!!
So BEWARE when you start collecting Aero Philately covers - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.
Any way there is not that much interest in Aero Philately covers - First Air Mail Flight Covers - Zeppelin Covers.!!, but it will be good learning experience for Gandhi Stamps Collectors as well Philatelic judges who give medals to Gandhi exhibit so they have something to think about it.
By writing this I am not benefiting at all, but I am getting satisfaction of providing some important information to whole collector community so they don't get cheated.
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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