Do you want to Invest in stamps ?
I think after reading my my previous two blog post about Stamp Investment you will never collect philatelic stamp material as well as stamps because you will get idea that you will be CHEATED.!!
Following are two blog post which can help you to avoid Invest in stamps.
Make sure you read above two blog post before you continue blog post so you will get idea.
Now will you Invest in Stamps ?
I think NO.!!
But if you still don't believe that stamp investment is not cheating then let's see one more example of Gandhi Memorial stamps issued in 1948 by India.
Following is First day cancellation rubber stamp applied on Gandhi Memorial stamps and to me it looks like possible forgery.!!
This special cancellation is applied on Mahatma Gandhi Memorial stamp issued in 1948 and made it as private or personal FDC. (not official issued FDC by post and telegraph).
This cover is selling for $1000 by eBay seller "rohit98103"
If you compare this rubber stamp selling by eBay seller "rohit98103" than it does not match with other BOMBAY G.P.O cancellation.!!
But it's easy way to make money.!!
If you sell Gandhi stamps no one is going to buy it but if you sell as Gandhi philatelic material than you offer it for $1000.
Now let's talk about this special cancellation.
Special cancellation is nothing but rubber stamp and it can be easily made by anyone.
There are more than 500 FORGED rubber stamps exist in Gandhi stamps which are used on Gandhi philatelic material.
Following are FAMOUS FORGERY RUBBER STAMPS USED in PHILATELIC and STAMP COLLECTION so it's not hard to make any regular rubber stamp.
Collectors don't care about humanity or people value to make money. Following Germany philatelic rubber stamp was made to celebrate Non violence day where 16 high school kids were killed.!!
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FAKE 1948 Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation and Independence day of India |
Forged 1948 Gandhi FDC with Indian Embassy of Nepal cancellation!!
Forged 1948 Gandhi Nepal Indian Embassy Cancellation |
FAKE 1948 Gandhi stamps "JAI HIND" Cancellation |
FAKE Overprint Cameroun, Nicaragua stamps and FDC!! |
Now this O.H.M.S philatelic cover was for auction starting at $69,000 or 50,000 Euros.!!! It's a one of the most expensive stamp collection item.!!
O.M.G!! Don't you think you just need one of this cover (expensive stamp) so you can live your whole life easily!!! It's almost 40+ Lakh rupees Indian money (40,00,000 Rupees or 4 million Rs.!!)
Rare Indian Stamps. Below is rare Indian stamps used on cover if genuine.!! This is among the most scarce and rare Indian stamps available on market.!!
But to me it looks like rare FORGERY Indian stamp!! To more authentic maker of this cover wrote Registered + Airmail and also receiving date and time.!!!
Also Register label is just a piece of paper printed with R 186.!!
But amazing thing is that blue ink rubber stamp of C. Rajagopalachari without any title such as Governor General of India.!!
You can make one and try to make money.!! (Just Kidding.!!)
Want to learn "HOW TO MAKE MONEY USING INTERNET" or expensive stamp collection item then read following three blog post so you will be expert in making money and also making expensive stamps.!!
To me it's nothing but forgery to make and feel like it's genuine without thinking whether it make sense to write O.H.M.S.!!
So what do you think about this cover ? Is it official cover or just a big forgery.!! ?
To me it looks like a big time forgery !!
Now see following screenshot and you decide that this are really used Gandhi SERVICE stamps.
Only way philately can sustain is to stop cheating in this hobby. Yes CHEATING.!! which is what you will see in order to increase value artificially by inflating the price by SHILL bidding, not paying to seller or mutual understanding cancelling transaction and lot more.
Out of which I found interesting. I saw two Gandhi SERVICE stamps with KGVI on a piece of paper with Governor General Camp P.O. (Click this link to see it on delcampe) and it's starting price is 3000 Euros.!!!
Yes 3000 Euros.!!!
But I noticed that date of cancellation on that piece of paper is 15 May 1949 which was SUNDAY.
* Do any one know Governor General was working on SUNDAY in 1949 ?
* Do any one know Governor office (post office / camp p.o) was open on SUNDAY in 1949?
* How can you tell that this piece of paper is from Offical Cover as it is mentioned in description.?
* Did you notice that King George Stamp is regular stamp ? SERVICE overprint is missing? Is it Error.!! (No there was also regular stamps of King George.!!)
* Don't you think collector or receiver or maker of this piece on paper don't know the value of this.!!! You can see 1 or 2 or 3 on piece of paper but not 30+ in last 2-3 months.
* Don't you think it's easy to make this kind of rubber stamp?
What do you think about this Gandhi SERVICE stamp with Governor General PO date stamp?
I think your guess will be mine.!!
We all had seen FAKE stamp of 1948 India GANDHI SERVICE for all kind of value!!
So now do you think it's above Governor-General cancellation GENUINE ? or FAKE (just piece of paper) ?
This is how to make money in Philatelic.!! Use Mint stamps worth $5 and make $4000!! by creating this kind of material.!!
1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
9) Gandhi SERVICE overprint stamp price fell from $1009 to $1.!!
10) How can you tell that Gandhi SERVICE stamp is FAKE or Forgery ?
I hope all the above will help while making decision in investing stamps and to avoid getting CHEATED.!!
Philatelic Stamp investing is nothing but PIECE OF PAPER with rubber stamp.!!
Now don't you think it does NOT make sense STAMP INVESTING!!
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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