Recently I saw Panama Gandhi stamps sold for $1 by eBay seller "cezaris.0457" from Lithuania.
We know Lithuania and other former soviet union countries are famous for making REPLICA stamp but also selling it at very low price so collector who don't have it then can be satisfied with replica.
But I know this replica stamps are also selling as GENUINE .!!
Do you think this Panama Gandhi stamp is REPLICA ?
Chances are very high as making money is everyone's motto !!!
It's nothing about stamp collection but how to make money by selling stamps on eBay.
This is one of the glorified Gandhi stamps and it's artificially created demand by hiding stamp by printer/dealer who sometimes work with government of smaller countries.
Panama stamp of Gandhi is one of the GLORIFIED stamp ( increase priced by illegal mean to make it famous.!!).
Following are some of the REPLICA stamps sold as genuine.!!

Now see some other eBay auction in past and you decide.
collstamps $498
filer3rd $435
beattle123 $295
bcsomani $175
So what do you think about this India 25 RS stamp isueed in 1902 of King Edward stamp - KEVII 25 R stamp - India SG 147 stamps ?
If you want to buy REPLICA or FACSIMILE from "ma-collectorshop" then click following link and you will find lot of RARE stamps. Why buy it have high price just buy it directly from him/her and apply any forged rubber stamp.!!

Read following link to understand what's going in this Panama stamps.
Detail research of Panama stamp
In past 3 years this stamp was sold from $137 - $50, even though it's price in stamp catalog was 60 cents.!! Yes only 60 cents.!!
Not sure how buyer were buying it and dealers were selling it.!!
3-4 months ago stamp catalog increased it's value to $60 and stamp is selling for $22 and that also with 19 bids.!!
So not sure what's going on.!!
Not sure whether facsimile stamp has enter in the market for this stamp too or it's actual price.!!
As we all know that this Panama stamp is also one of the glorified stamp with all kinds of dirty tricks such as SHILL bidding, Not paying to seller after increasing price etc.
Also we had seen BOGUS (never exist) first day cover, and some of the used cover which looks nothing but suspicious of using rubber stamp on simple cover were sold for unbelievable price.!!
So what do you think about his $22 price for this MNH (mint never hinged) stamp.!!
Do you think facsimile or replica stamps are selling instead of genuine.?
As this is white stamp it's very easy to forged as they don't have to worry about center of stamps as well as border or margin on both side.
On Jan 27, I saw same Panama stamp MNH was sold for $108.!!!
On Feb 9th, I saw another Panama stamp MNH sold for $52 with 3 bids on it.
So what do you think now!!
What is Right Price of Gandhi stamp.?
$22 or $108 or $52.!!
Or all 3 prices are wrong !!?
I think so.!!
It should not be more than $5 or $10.!!!
Then you might be thinking why it's selling for $22 or $108.!!
Welcome to Stamp collection !!
Now you will be thinking what is right price.
$21 or $46 or $52 or $71 or $108 or $137.!!
Reason for this high price is
1) You don't need to pay if you win auction.!! if you are SHILL bidder.!!
2) If you are not SHILL bidder then also you don't have to pay if you just want to increase the price.!!
What you see is just glorified pricing, which are false hope of Riches.!!
Stay away from Gandhi stamps if you don't want surprises.!!
It's not INVESTMENT but it's a GAME.!!!
So now you know how to make money on eBay by selling stamps collection.!!
Gandhi Stamps Club.
We know Lithuania and other former soviet union countries are famous for making REPLICA stamp but also selling it at very low price so collector who don't have it then can be satisfied with replica.
But I know this replica stamps are also selling as GENUINE .!!
Do you think this Panama Gandhi stamp is REPLICA ?
Chances are very high as making money is everyone's motto !!!
It's nothing about stamp collection but how to make money by selling stamps on eBay.
This is one of the glorified Gandhi stamps and it's artificially created demand by hiding stamp by printer/dealer who sometimes work with government of smaller countries.
Panama stamp of Gandhi is one of the GLORIFIED stamp ( increase priced by illegal mean to make it famous.!!).
Following are some of the REPLICA stamps sold as genuine.!!

Now see some other eBay auction in past and you decide.
So what are chances of this Replica stamp selling as Mint or used stamp with forged rubber stamp?
I think REPLICA is way to go to make lot of money.!! Buy for $7 and sell for $2000 or $1750 or $800 or $200 buy using fake rubber stamp.!
But when you look at eBay you see this British India stamp of King Edward selling in large quantity and I was surprised how this many stamps are available.
After going through all the images and going back my blog post I think some of them are not genuine stamps but it's FACSIMILE stamps which are nothing but forgery stamps of India 25 RS stamp issued in 1902 of King Edward stamp.
This King Edward KEVII 25 R stamp is SG 147 stamp in Stanley Gibbons and SC 76 in Scott Catalog.
It will be very hard to find mint stamp of India 1902 King Edward stamp - KEVII 25 Rupees because it was lot of money in 1902.
99.99% of stamp collectors during that time cannot even seen that much money together.!! Also 99% King Edward collectors might not even seen GENUINE stamp in their life time because all you see is FORGERY in auction houses.
But this is good for eBay shareholders as they will get good commission on this sale from eBay/PayPal fees ($700-800 for following 9 transaction) if this are all genuine transaction.!!
But you can't believe this pricing as chances of Shill Bidding, Fake Bidding, Buyer don't pay to seller, Seller and Buyer open case to cancel purchases etc.
In past I wrote about all kind of FORGERY, BOGUS in India 25 RS stamp - 1902 King Edward stamp - KEVII 25 R stamp - India SG 147 SC 76 stamps.
Click to read it.
Following are some of the sold stamps on eBay in last 3-4 months. Now think how many might be sold in last 5 years.!!! (more than 300.!!).
Seller Price Sold
Anjulin $2000
pristinephilateic $1750
s_faria $800(appr)
bygonesofbridlingt $618
worldstamp22 $504collstamps $498
filer3rd $435
beattle123 $295
bcsomani $175
If you want to buy REPLICA or FACSIMILE from "ma-collectorshop" then click following link and you will find lot of RARE stamps. Why buy it have high price just buy it directly from him/her and apply any forged rubber stamp.!!

Read following link to understand what's going in this Panama stamps.
Detail research of Panama stamp
In past 3 years this stamp was sold from $137 - $50, even though it's price in stamp catalog was 60 cents.!! Yes only 60 cents.!!
Not sure how buyer were buying it and dealers were selling it.!!
3-4 months ago stamp catalog increased it's value to $60 and stamp is selling for $22 and that also with 19 bids.!!
So not sure what's going on.!!
Not sure whether facsimile stamp has enter in the market for this stamp too or it's actual price.!!
As we all know that this Panama stamp is also one of the glorified stamp with all kinds of dirty tricks such as SHILL bidding, Not paying to seller after increasing price etc.
Also we had seen BOGUS (never exist) first day cover, and some of the used cover which looks nothing but suspicious of using rubber stamp on simple cover were sold for unbelievable price.!!
So what do you think about his $22 price for this MNH (mint never hinged) stamp.!!
Do you think facsimile or replica stamps are selling instead of genuine.?
As this is white stamp it's very easy to forged as they don't have to worry about center of stamps as well as border or margin on both side.
On Jan 27, I saw same Panama stamp MNH was sold for $108.!!!
On Feb 9th, I saw another Panama stamp MNH sold for $52 with 3 bids on it.
So what do you think now!!
What is Right Price of Gandhi stamp.?
$22 or $108 or $52.!!
Or all 3 prices are wrong !!?
I think so.!!
It should not be more than $5 or $10.!!!
Then you might be thinking why it's selling for $22 or $108.!!
Welcome to Stamp collection !!
Now you will be thinking what is right price.
$21 or $46 or $52 or $71 or $108 or $137.!!
Reason for this high price is
1) You don't need to pay if you win auction.!! if you are SHILL bidder.!!
2) If you are not SHILL bidder then also you don't have to pay if you just want to increase the price.!!
What you see is just glorified pricing, which are false hope of Riches.!!
Stay away from Gandhi stamps if you don't want surprises.!!
It's not INVESTMENT but it's a GAME.!!!
So now you know how to make money on eBay by selling stamps collection.!!
- Shill bidding
- Increase price by other stamp collectors friends.
- Buyer don't pay after increasing price and winning it.
Gandhi Stamps Club.