This is my first blog post. Thanks Maulik for your trust to share your blog with me.
I saw both Maulik's paquebot covers on ebay and thought this are junk covers so I never try bid on it as I have no idea what is Paquebot or Seapost before reading this Maulik's blog.
This is my first blog post. Thanks Maulik for your trust to share your blog with me.
I saw both Maulik's paquebot covers on ebay and thought this are junk covers so I never try bid on it as I have no idea what is Paquebot or Seapost before reading this Maulik's blog.
Recently I also got Gandhi Paquebot cover. This cover was mailed from "M.V. Jalamoti" a Indian Shipping boat owned by Scindia Navigation Co. Ltd. The company was recognised as the first Swadeshi shipping company in the true sense of the term and was referred to widely in Mahatma Gandhi’s columns in Young India on the Swadeshi movement, the boycott of foreign goods and the non co-operation movement.
This cover travelled through
Land (India)--> Sea (M.V.Jalamoti ship) --> Land (Alaska) --> Air --> Land (Houston)
It travelled through Arabain Sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Pacific Ocean, stoppage through Singapore (my guess after reading more about ship and company) and other ports before reaching to Ketchikan, Alaska on Sep 12, 1977 and after that it was flown to Houston and landed there on 15 sep, 1977.
I am dedicating this Gandhi paquebot cover to Maulik as without his blog it will take me years before I might know or understand about paquebot and because of his knowledge sharing I was able to get this cover. Thanks Maulik for sharing this knowledge instead of been a greedy collector by yourself and this makes you one of the real gem as a Gandhi's philatelic collector.
Again thanks for reading and please share your thoughts in the comments section
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