We know FFC First Flight Cover are nothing but forgery because of following reason.
- How to find out first flight was on that day. ?
- How to find out FFC was flown on first flight. ?
- What are chances of FORGERY rubber stamp is applied on cover ?
- How to find out it was deliver to destination city ?
After looking to all of the above it will be very hard to find genuine because it requires very advance knowledge or first flight, vast network of destination city to deliver first flight cover etc.
To me it looks like lot of work in order to get this kind of rubber stamp from official post office because in order to make sure it travels on first flight you need to CDS of that date and it should be travel in that first flight.
To me it looks like lot of work in order to get this kind of rubber stamp from official post office because in order to make sure it travels on first flight you need to CDS of that date and it should be travel in that first flight.
It will very easy just apply FORGED rubber stamp and claim it as First Flight Cover.!!
It's lot of money if you sell FFC than just selling mint stamp.!!
Mauritius First Flight Cover was sold by 333-aero for $36.!!
No one will buy mint stamp.!!
Not only that there are more forged cover from Mauritus with Gandhi stamps and Port Louis Post office so it will be very hard to believe it's genuine.
Also SHILL bidding on Mauritius Gandhi stamps and philatelic cover are done all the time so what are chances on this one also.
In past I wrote multiple blog post about First Flight Cover FFC which will help to learn forgeries, bogus, cheating, glorification in Stamp collection. Click to read it so you understand properly what you are collecting or what you will collect.
Following are FORGERY of Port Louis Post office cancellation (it's easy to make rubber stamp).
Now think what are possibilities of this kind of rubber stamp not only in Gandhi stamps or FFC but ANY THEMATIC POSTAL HISTORY.!!
You are CHEATED all the time.!!
Now compare above RUBBER stamp you decide which is genuine or forgery.
To read more about FFCF First Flight Cover Forgery read following blog post.
Following Lufthansa FFC first flight cover was sold for $36 from 333-aero from Germany. We know how forgery is done is Germany. According to me Germany has most forged rubber stamp applied on any philatelic cover collection.
Click following link to read more about GERMANY Blum case and OPEN YOUR EYES.!!
There are 650 forged rubber stamps from Germany and think about chances of forged from I other countries.!!
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http://www.filatelia.fi/forgeries/blum.html |
So what do you think. Can we add this Lufthansa FFC FIRST FLIGHT COVER rubber stamp dated 25 April 1970 from Port Lousi in above list.
Following are some of the blog post I wrote in past about this kind of questionable First flight cover (which to me it all look like BOGUS) and it's nothing but to make money.!!
1) Chile 1974 Soccer world cup first flight cover does not look like really flown.!!
2) Is it Airbus A380 First flight mail or Paquebot mail.!!
5) United Nations Stamp on FFC. ( Does not make sense.)
6) Airbus A380 First flight covers( Bogus FFC)
What do you think about first flight covers after reading this blog post.? Don't you think it's nothing but BOGUS.! to make 8-10 times more money than just selling stamps.!!
Philatelic Fakes And Forgeries (Following is some note for reference)
In past I saw it Centenary of Gandhi visit to Mauritius first day cover with other stamps of Gandhi and Queen Victoria on it, which is nothing but philatelic fake and forgeries.!!
I wrote about this philatelic forgery first day cover with other combo stamps in my other blog post and I explained about this fake and forgeries but it looks like sellers don't regret selling forgeries material, because they don't have any fear of getting caught or punished as no one in philatelic cares about this kind of stuff happening and no one take any legal action.
But it is also good for other philatelist who don't speak up against this kind of philatelic fakes and forgeries because they are increasing their value and everyone is involved in this kind of forgeries and they knew each other.!!
They just want money from new collectors and be the part of a game and involved in creating this kind of fakes and forgeries or bogus material and try to fool new collectors.!!
$80 for philatelic cover or piece of paper.!! It's lot of money if someone buys it because it will only cost $2 or $3 and there might be no buyer for stamps or regular FDC.
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http://www.ebay.com/itm/CENTENARY-OF-GANDHIS-VISIT-TO-MAURITIUS-1901-2001-FDC-LEAFLET-EXTRA-MINT-RARE-/300982859449?pt=UK_Stamps_CommonwealthStamps_GL&hash=item4613f9f6b9 |
Philatelic fakes and forgeries with Mauritius Gandhi stamp is one of the 2nd most forged stamp after 1948 Gandhi stamps philatelic material.!!
Following is one more example of philatelic fakes and forgeries with Mauritius stamp sheet sold by "Theodorehys" and bought by "kad_ss" & "0261orthod".!!
Kad_ss was involved in bidding following philatelic fake and forgeries.

Following was not sold with dodo stamps which was for sale by "theobargain"

Following are examples of Mauritius Gandhi Philatelic fakes and forgeries sold by same seller "theobargain" and bought by "indiephila"

Did you notice that "theobargain" and "Theodorehys" are selling same type of fakes and forgeries register cover.!!
Now what do you think about this Fake and Forgeries from Mauritius.
But now let's read my other blog about SHILL bidding were you will same sellers, buyers and bidders and think WHAT's going on !!
So what do you think about Mauritius stamps of Gandhi ?
Now you can think about FAKES, Forgeries, Bogus, Shill Bidding etc in Mauritius stamps.!!
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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