Currently eBay seller "phil-centre" from UK is selling Guru Nanak Centenary stamp cover for $75.
Do you really think following is Genuine cover of Guru Nanak Centenary special cancellation ?
If you think than chances of forgery of Guru Nanak Quin Centenary stamps cover are more than genuine.
1) Address is incomplete on Guru Nanak Centenary cover .!!
2) No register label on Guru Nanak Quin Centenary stamps cover
3) Address on the Guru Nanak Quin Centenary stamps cover has same hand writing and pen used for registration #.!!
But this is selling for $75.!! ($1 = 60 Rupees)
Don't you think it's easy to make this kind of rubber stamp and apply on any cover and call it as special cancellation!!
And Make MONEY.!!!
4500 Rupees (60 x 75) is lot of money if you live in India or any 3rd world countries, so start making any kind of rubber stamp and apply on cover and make Money.!!
No one cares about this kind of forgery because no one is going to file a police complain about forgery using their names on the cover such as Asst Collector (Customs) from Foreign Post.!!
Following is another classic example if you want to know how to make money!
So what do you think.
It's all about MONEY. How to get your money.!!
To know more about this kind of activity read my following blog post and think what are the possibilities in cheating, glorification, SHILL bidding, FAKE, Forgery etc.
1) 1948 Stamps False hope of Riches?
2) 1948 Gandhi Stamps: Are False hope of Riches - Part II ?
3) 1948 Gandhi Mourning Private FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part III?
4) 1948 Expensive Gandhi FDC : Are False hope of Riches - Part IV?
5) 1948 Gandhi Stamps Early Usage cover : Gandhi Stamps Are False hope of Riches - Part V?
6) Maxi Card sold for $5100 with 1948 Gandhi Stamps - False hope of Riches - Part VI?
7) Indian Philately Exposed
8) Indian Philately Exposed - Part II
9) Gandhi SERVICE overprint stamp price fell from $1009 to $1.!!
10) How can you tell that Gandhi SERVICE stamp is FAKE or Forgery ?
Gandhi Stamps Club.
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