

Apollo Moon Landing stamps - overprint stamps

To me it looks like everyone (collector, dealer, judges, authors, auction house, financial advisor etc)  are involved in glorifying Gandhi stamp collection. One will exhibit it, other will give medal award, one will sell it, one will do shill bidding, one will write about it, one will advise to buy it.!! Everyone wants your money.!!

There is all kind of information about this stamps in handbook or other magazine, but no one tells you to think why or question about this error.!!

Recently I saw Apollo Moon Landing overprint stamp sheet from Cameroun on Gandhi stamps sheet.!!

Complete sheet of  Apollo Moon Landing stamps of 10 pairs was for sale for $579. But seller reduce it value from $1198 to $579.!! in just about a month.!!

So not sure why such a reduction in stamp price.!!, but we all know Stamp collection hobby is in decline.!! (Read following blog posts about it).

As per stamp collection definition it's a ERROR stamp.!!, but how in the world some one will do this kind of error.!!

Even small kids understand this that it's not error but delibrate act to make it rare stamps.!!!

But not sure what philatelic judges see this as, genuine error or delibrate act.!!  But in past collectors have won medal with BOGUS (never exist) special cancellation from Winneden Germany on October 2009 which was never issued by Germany postal department and illegal use of Emblem of India.!!

Some are FORGED to  make money such as Specimen stamps or SERVICE stamps by just apply RUBBER stamp or printing on it.

I wrote about Cameroun overprint stamps with Apollo moon landing printing on it.!!

I don't consider this as Error stamp, because I have smart and not idiot who will come in all glorification of stamsp because and it's a delibrate act.

I have this error overprint stamp (not complete sheet) with me.!!!  But I will not buy it now because it will be waste of my album space.!!!

You might be wondering why I bought it.!!, because there was not enough information to THINK about this kind of glorification material. which is nothing but lie to collectors.!!

So now you can THINK about this!!

Gandhi Stamps Club.

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